We'll Take It

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It was currently sometime in the afternoon and I was sitting in the middle of the barren bedroom with books and books of possible design choices surrounding me. I had flipped completely through three of them already, but every time I finished one the interior design lady pulled out a new one.

Sometime after our morning meeting, Calum decided to secretly call her in as a "distraction." Then proceeded to leave me alone with all her torture devices, while he ran off to work. So, there was no escaping the current hell of looking at picture after picture of rooms that were way beyond any budget I was willing to let them spend.

"What about this one?" She asked, sliding a picture toward me across the floor. "I've noticed that the only ones you've even contemplated on for more than a half second have been green."

The room she'd pushed toward me was beautiful... something that I, in a million years, could've never imagined owning. It had a soft muted green accent wall, mixed with tones of white and creams throughout the furniture. Plus, it was packed full of plants and greenery, which I loved.

"Damn, I've never seen her smile that big." I jolted my head up as Michael walked into the room, grinning himself as he came over to look at the picture in my lap. "That's a beautiful choice, Alice."

I looked back down toward it and lifted up the paper, so I could check the price on the back, but Michael snatched it out of my hand.

"We'll take it." He stated, handing it back to her. "You do really like that one, right?"

I didn't answer him for a minute, unsure of how to respond. Of course I liked it.. shit I really liked it. But god knows how much it was, for all I know it could've had a worse price than all the other rooms combined.

"I'd say it's been her favorite out of all the books we've been through so far. It's the first time I've seen her face light up." The lady replied to him for me, coming to a stand.

"Then yeah, we'll take it." He said, causing me to release a sigh and lay down on the floor, defeated. "How long will the process take?"

"Based on what she picked, we have all of these pieces in stock, so I'd say 24-48 hours. How soon can we start?"

"As soon as possible, she's been without a room of her own for long enough."

"Then I'll send over my painting crew today." She replied, as Michael walked her out.

A few minutes later, Michael returned and crashed down on the floor next to me, both of us just staring at the ceiling. 

"Are you excited at all?" He asked, poking my side.

"It's hard to be excited when I'm taking stuff from you guys.." I explained, quietly.

"You do realize we have more money than we even know what to do with right? Like literally Luke bought a stupidly priced, $100 bottle of water off amazon a week ago out of boredom-

I snorted and put my hand over my face, both of us laughing.

"We really just want to give you the life you should've had from the beginning kid."

"I hate this." I replied, huffing a bit.

"You do.. for now. But, you'll get used to it eventually. Just give it time."

Michael sat up, and held his hands out, offering me help up.

"Where are we going?" I asked, confused.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet, so go get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs in about 10 minutes." I nodded, agreeing and going to the bathroom to wash my face a little.

Lord knows what, or who he had up his sleeve..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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