The Ultimate Detective.

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TW for panic attacks!! (I'm so sorry-)

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Time passes. Quickly. So quickly that before I know it, school has ended. Which is good... but bad at the same time. Wow, I never thought I'd be so unhappy to get out of class...

"Shuichi~!" Before I can turn to see where the voice is coming from, I feel a weight on my back as Kokichi jumps on me from behind.

"Shuichiii...! You said you'd wait for me after class!" he pouted.

"Ah... I'm sorry." I respond. "I'm not feeling the best today..."

"Don't worry about it! Shumai comes first!" he eventually gets off of me and paces himself by my side. "Are you going home? Can I walk with you?"

"I can't. I have to go to the agency today. Apparently they asked for me."

"What a coincidence!" Kokichi gasps dramatically. "I'm heading there too! Let's go together!!"

"Yeah, that sounds nice..." I smile.

We walk to the building together, pointing out random things on the way.

"Look, Shumai! A butterfly!" the leader rushes to a nearby bush and squats down next to it. "It's so pretty!"

The butterfly's wings are dark around the edges, but gradually becomes a bright, radiant blue as you get closer to the center.

"You're right. Mahiru would love to take a picture of this," I chuckle.

"Hey, this butterfly kinda reminds me of you!" Kokichi says in his usual childish tone.

"Really? How so?" I ask.

"It looks dark and gloomy from afar, but it's really bright in the center!"

The butterfly rests on Kokichi's finger, making him squeal in happiness. "Look, it likes me!" He says, flashing me a wide grin.

I feel my face heat up. What he said just now... did he mean it...? Does he really see me like that?

"Hurry, Kokichi. We need to be there soon," I find myself saying, avoiding the questions in my head. The smaller nods and lets the butterfly flutter back to the bush daintily.

We're soon as the building, greeted happily by Mrs. Aoi and Mr. Hagakure. Mrs. Aoi always insists for us to call her by her first name, but I can't bring myself to do it.

"Shuichi! Kokichi!" Mrs. Aoi runs up to us and gives us a quick hug. "You're just in time! The meeting is about to start!"

"M-meeting?!" I didn't hear anything about a meeting. I hate them. They're long and tiring. I usually don't have to go to them, so it must be really important if my attendance is mandatory.

"Yep! I know meetings aren't fun, but this one's really important!" she tells me.

"Do I have to go?" Kokichi whines.

"W-we only a-asked for Saihara," Mrs. Fukawa buts in, pointing out the fact rudely.

Kokichi's head hangs, tears welling up in his eyes. "So... you guys don't want me there?" Tears are streaming down his face before I can even blink. "WAAAAAAAAAHH! THAT'S SO MEAN!!"

Mr. Hagakure and Mrs. Aoi rush to his side while Touko awkwardly stands there, watching the high-schooler throw a tantrum.

"Calm down, okay?" Mr. Hagakure says, patting the smaller's head uncomfortably.

"Yeah, it's alright! We do want you there!" Mrs. Aoi adds.

Kokichi's tears are gone as quickly as they arrived. "Yay!! I'm gonna be in a meeting with Shumai! Hey, doesn't it feel like we're adults now?"

{ORIGINAL} "You're Perfect For Me" // A Saiouma StoryWhere stories live. Discover now