Chapter 14: Misunderstanding

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"You can't change someone
Who is committed to
Misunderstanding you"

The environment of the house was suddenly so happy and content that it felt almost a crime to even talk about something else. The eldest child of the house was home after a span of three years. It's a greatest surprise any parents can ever get. Those eyes which have longed to see their son have finally found their solace..their eye's apple. No one can imagine the amount of happiness the parents are going through after seeing their son in a long time. Their eyes suddenly looked so more lively and joyous. And the eyes of a sister who has longed to embrace her brother. A sister who has been missing her brother dearly each day and each second. A sister who has counted every second of the day just to know at what day her brother would be coming back home and now that he's back....she looks so much more happy like a child in a toy store. Her eyes are sparkling the same way a child's does when he sees his favourite toy or candy. She has longed to see her brother, to hold him and bicker with him all day long and just teasing him about anything or everything just to annoy him. But now that he's back she can have her bickering session with him all day and night long. At last he's home.... He is home!.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're coming back?". Phupho asked him. Right now we were all seated in the lounge as Rohaan Bhai has finally settled down after a session of hugging. Hafsa had latched herself onto him and was not pulling away until finally phupho took a hold of her shoulders so that he can sit. Now that he is settled phupho can't help, but ask.
"It was meant to be a surprise. I wanted to see your shocked faces". He chuckled at the end. Mama snickered and lightly slapped his arm while saying
"Abhi bhi shareer ho bht"
(You're still as naughty).
He smiled and said
"And I'm going to be one always". Phupho chuckled and I could see how much she was happy to see her son back. I couldn't imagine if he hadn't come. Phupho would be so dejected and sad to not see her only son at her sister's engagement. But he's her son, so how can he make her sad? He will burn the whole world down before making his family sad. Dilawar uncle cleared his throat and said
"Now stop teasing my son you all. Let's ask him what he's want to have for dinner". Phupho nodded her head and excitedly ask him
"Ap theek keh rehe ha. Batou beta kiya khaouge. I'll make your favourite dishes".
(You are right. Tell me what you want to eat beta)
Rohaan shook his head and said
"Don't tire yourself Mama. I will eat whatever you'll cook. Phupho shook her head and was adamant on asking his favourite dishes so in the end he agreed on biryani. Of course he's a Karachi born and his first love would be biryani.
(Fun fact that we, people of Karachi just love biryani. Karachi is famous for its biryani. If you visit Pakistan, Karachi's biryani is a must).
After a while he went upstairs in his room to rest as he must be tired after a long long flight. Hafsa and I decided to help phupho and Mama in the kitchen. Whilst cutting the vegetables phupho told me
"Hareem call Sohail too here for dinner. It would be nice to have dinner with everyone". I nodded my head and excused myself to call him. Going to the side I dialed his number. He attended my call on the second ring and I heard his tired voice
"Hello are you okay? Your voice sounds tired". I worriedly ask. He was fine in the morning. I again heard him say
"It's just a mild fever". I tsked and questioned
"Have you taken any medicine?" He replied in a no and now I was really worried. He is sick and he must need me. I told him
"I'm coming home this instant". Before he could say anything I hang up on him as I worriedly went in the kitchen. I told Mama
"Mama I have to go home. Sohail is sick". Mama nodded her head and said
"But how are you going? Let me drop you". Before I could say anything I heard a voice behind me
"I'll drop her, don't worry Mami". Turning around I saw him at the entrance of the kitchen. I felt guilty as he looked tired, so I said
"It's alright I'll take a cab". Phupho shook her head and said
"It's not safe for you to take a cab alone at this hour of night." I sighed, but again heard his voice
"I'm perfectly fine and not tired if that's what you're worried about". Phupho and Mama nodded her head as I had no choice but to agree. I was walking out the kitchen when I heard him say
"I'm waiting outside by the car". I nodded my head at him and went to grab my things. Taking everything with me I bade everyone goodbye and went outside. He was waiting for me and opened the car door when he saw me walking towards him. I took my seat at the front and he killed the engine. I was tapping my foot continuously because I was worried. I was so engrossed being worried that I would have missed to hear his voice if he has not been more loud
"Relax". I looked at him and saw that he was facing the road. Taking a sigh I calmed myself down as he kept on driving. I took a glance at him and it would be a lie if I say he didn't look tired. In fact he looked exhausted, drained of any bits of energy. His hair were a mess like he's been running his fingers through them. His eyes looked sleep deprived. This awful feeling of guilt consumed me as I grasped his appearance in my mind. He must be so generous or doesn't care about his health at all to help others as he is driving me home when he is this much tired. Soon I saw my home coming in view and he stopped the car at the gate. I quietly opened the door and got out. Rounding towards his door I said
"Thank you and sorry for troubling you". He sighed and said
"It's not a problem. You are not a problem Hareem". His voice was deep and almost stern. The way he took my name and the way he delivered his sentence conveyed that he was not annoyed by me. I still asked him
"You should come inside. Let me make you a cup of tea". He shook his head and said
"It's okay. Next time maybe". I nodded my head and left after muttering a small Allah Hafiz. I walked to the door and jiggled the keys and could see his car still there like he was waiting for me to go inside. Opening the door and i went inside and saw his car reversing before it finally disappeared in the dark. I started to walk to the room upstairs when I heard Ammi
"You're back?". I turned to her and said
"How is Sohail?" Ammi told me that he was got a headache which afterwards converted into a fever. I nodded my head and went upstairs. Opening the door I saw him laying on the bed. I walked to him and asked him
"Are you alright?" He nodded his head and I asked him
"Have you eaten anything?" He shook his head and I said
"Sohail you should have eaten something". He hummed and I went downstairs to bring something for him to eat. Whilst I was taking out food for him I heard a voice
"Oh so you're back". Turning around I saw Beenish standing by the door. I nodded my head at her and continued with my work. She opened her mouth yet again
"Your husband was burning in fever and now you're back". I clenched my jaw and ignored her words. Placing everything on a tray I walked past her and heard her ask
"How did you come back?" I answered shortly
"Rohaan Bhai dropped me". She asked
"Your cousin.. he's back already." I nodded my head at her and finally went upstairs. Sohail was asleep by now but I shook him awake so that he can take his medicine. After making sure that he has taken his medication I went back in the kitchen and washed everything. I came back to my room and laid on the bed to sleep but I heard my stomach growl. I clutched my stomach and decided to ignore the growling and waited for sleep to engulf me.

The next morning I woke up at the usual time and went downstairs to prepare the breakfast. Sohail was feeling fine and he was sitting at the table with everyone. We all began eating and I saw Naila coming down the stairs. She greeted everyone and asked me
"Bhabhi when did you come back?" Before I could answer Beenish beat me to it and said
"She came back with her... cousin". I looked at her suspiciously as she has a glint in her eyes which I couldn't decipher. Naila seemed confused and said
"Who cousin?" Beenish again replied for me which annoyed me.
"Her cousin from abroad". Ammi sensed the tension in the air and said
"Chalo bad ab nashta karo sab".
(Come on let's have breakfast now)
We all started eating breakfast again but I know that Beenish didn't just pull this stunt for nothing and there must be something else.

I was ironing Sohail's clothes when I heard him coming in the room. I continued with my work but heard him ask
"When did your cousin come back?" I answered
"Yesterday night. He surprised everyone". I heard him hum. I was done with the ironing and turned around to hand him his shirt when I collided with him. I gasped and looked up at him. He looked somewhat angry and held my hand which was holding his shirt
"What was the time when you come back?" I wriggled my hand but he only tightened his hold. I answered shakily
"Around...nine". His hold tightened painfully and I started to pull my hand back, but he jerked me towards him and said
"Just know one thing Hareem. Stay. Away. From. Your. Damn. Cousin". Saying that he left me and went to the bathroom slamming the door shut. I released a breath I don't know I was holding. I looked at my hand which turned red due to the force of his grip. I rubbed it lightly and wiped the tear that ran down my cheek. His behavior has really shaken me. He has never behaved like that with me. We had fights, but he never hurt me. He never raised his hand on me. I don't know what happened to him all of a sudden, but one thing I know for sure that I was really shocked due to his behavior. Very shocked.
Oh Allah let everything be fine between us!
Assalamualaikum everyone and here's the chapter as promised. Let me know your thoughts about the chapter. Thank you for 400 reads everyone. I was happy to know that people are reading my book, so please keep supporting me and this book.
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Till then Allah Hafiz.

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