Chapter 20: His Decision

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"life is a definition of surprises"

The hours that we spent waiting outside the operation theatre were the longest, agonizing and most difficult hours of our lives. We didn't know how our dear Dada was inside. He was fighting for his life while each and every member of the family was praying for him. Dado looked so....sad, so broken, so stressed. After all it was her husband in the operation theatre fighting over life and death situation. I can't even imagine what she must be feeling right now. Her heart must be beating so loud. Her mind must be clouded with all the ifs and buts. Mama was the one who was in control of her emotions. She was giving everyone the much needed support. Phupho's eyes were red from crying. Hiccup after hiccup left her lips as she prayed for the well being of her dear father. Looking at her I couldn't help but get saddened about the fact that I don't have my father with me anymore. I know what she must be feeling right now. I can easily put myself in her shoes because I have experienced that awful feeling at a very young age. I know exactly how it feels to wait before an operation room just to get one good news,just one sentence that could put you at ease. Just one little assurance that whoever is inside is going to live and be with you forever. But sometimes nothing of that sort happens. Sometimes you are slapped by the reality that everyone and everything is going to die and going to leave this world once day. Sometime just a small five letter word 'sorry' can destroy your life. It can throw you in a dungeon where you're crushed by sadness and the cruel reality of life. It constantly weigh you down. And then there'll come a time when you finally accept the course of events and make peace with whatever had happened. You understand the real meaning of life and your heart eventually finds it's closure. You are not in that dungeon anymore. You're free and you've finally got a grip of yourself. And you know that whatever that happened you have to keep moving forward in life because that's what life is. Moving on when it's still hurts! But the pain of losing your loved one never vanishes. It stays forever in your heart. It lives in your heart till the day you die. You miss them even in the tiniest of moments of life. You miss their presence,you miss their smell, you miss them altogether and in that moment you can do nothing but pray for them as they are in a better place. They were the legacy of Allah to us. But the loss of a parent is nothing less than a dreadful nightmare and everyone wishes for this nightmare to never get true. I wished for it too but I was hopeless in front the plans of Allah. He has planned everything accordingly than who we are to defy. I went to phupho and placed a hand over her hand. She looked at me and I whispered
"He's going to be alright Phupho. He will fight it". She nodded her head and hugged me. I hugged her back patting her back lightly. As soon as I looked up,I looked at those deep oceanic eyes that bore into mine. The intensity of his stare was too much. This was the first time we met after that incident. I don't blame him. I blame no one. It was the circumstances that played the sick game. I know no one would want to hurt me from my family. They can never even think of that and I'm sure of it. We both stared at each other for the longest of time and I must say his eye has gotten a little bit more....darker like that blue colour is just so... prominent now. It makes his eyes stand out more. He stared back at me without blinking and just like that we heard the click of the door and he broke his stare as all rushed to the doctor.
He's always the first one to break the stares!

Dada Abbu was fine by the grace of Allah. He just needs proper rest and a healthy diet. I can never forget the moment of happiness when the doctor said that he is fine. A series of 'alhumdulliah' left everyone's mouth as we thanked our Allah for saving our dearest. I looked at the time and and it was near to eight. We've been here since the morning. I know everybody must be hungry right now. It's written on everyone's faces that they were all tried. I went to Mama and told her
"I'll get some food for everyone". She nodded her head and I started walking towards the canteen when I saw him walking in the same direction. He must be going there too was my first thought. I walked up to him and he rose his brows in question. I just muttered
"I'll go with you".

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