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TW : Eating-Disorder, Fainting


Mina's POV :

Weeks spent and Hazel was getting smaller and skinnier day by day. Delia and I were very worried about her but we didn't know how to bring this discussion to her as she was very shut off with us. She was getting less and less outside whereas before, she loved taking walks and playing in the garden.

Today was my wife's birthday so we decided to go to our favorite restaurant as usual, and we knew it was Hazel's favorite too, so we thought it was a good idea to make her eat.

"Hazel are you ready ?" I screamed from downstairs.

Hazel's POV :

Mom Mina decided to invite us to the best restaurant in town, which happened to be our favorite. It was my mom Delia's birthday so I had to make an effort and be nice, because lately I've been a bad girl with my moms. I just wanted them to let me alone but they were always on my back !

As I was analyzing my body on the mirror of my bedroom fro the tenth time that day, mom Mina knocked at the door.

"Come in." I whispered just loud enough so she could hear it. She entered my bedroom while I was pretending I was making my bag, because I didn't want her to know that I've been looking at every part of my body for the last hour.

"Sweetie, we're gonna be late we need to pick mom at her work before she left it. Remember it's a surprise ! You didn't tell her about it I hope ?"

"No mom I kept the surprise. Don't worry." I said rolling my eyes.

Mom Mina waited at the door frame and I looked at her.

"Can you wait for me downstairs ? I'll be here in a minute." I stated looking down.

"Oh uh, yes. I'll be in the car."

I nodded and when I heard the front door close, I ran to my bathroom and jumped on the scale. Great, two pounds less than this morning, all the exercises I did today worked. I was happy but I was scared for dinner.

Minutes later, I realized I was stuck in my thoughts and mom must have been be waiting for me so I took my bag and joined her in the car. I sat in the front seat and she started driving.

The drive was silent, and I liked it because I didn't want to talk. We arrived at mom Delia's workplace just when she was leaving the building.

"(Y/n), run to her, she'll be so happy to see you." Mom Mina demanded, putting her hand on my shoulder. I put it away and left the car to meet my other mom. She was walking fast to her car and I ran behind her but I must stood too quickly from the car seat because as I was running, clouds started blurring my vision so I slowed down just when I reached mom Delia. I put my hand on her back and when she turned around to face me, I collapsed into her arms.

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