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Hazel's POV :

I saw a little smile on Dr Staple's face as she came back to the armchair.

"Thank you Hazel. For trusting me." She first announced. "Now, I understand you don't feel quite comfortable talking about what happened last night so we won't mention it until you're ready."

"What are we talking about in that case ?" I frowned.

"I don't know. Whatever you want. You can, for example, tell me some things about you. I would really like to know you." She smiled kindly.

"Well... You already know my name is Hazel Goode-Venable. I've two moms and they're the very best. I struggle with ADHD, PTSD and anxiety. Mostly because of the previous foster families I was send to." I took a deep breathe, not wanting to remember those times. "I love drawing and spending time outside, in my garden or... Or next to water ! Like I love going to the sea or the lake."

"That's wonderful ! I really enjoy water too."

I smiled back at her and waited for something.

"You want to add something ?" She asked me.

"No, not really. I just... I don't like exposing my life to people when I know nothing about them." I looked down, a bit ashamed of my confession.

"Oh you want me to tell you things about my life ? That's no problem Hazel." She replied sincerely. "Everybody knows me as Dr Staple but my first name is Ellie, you can call me that if it makes you more comfortable. I've a cat that I really love, his name is Clyde and he loves to cuddle in the middle of the night."

"I wish I had a cat." I answered.

"Can't you ask your moms ?"

"I already asked them for a hamster, a bunny, even a goldfish but they don't want any pet in the house. Well, mom Delia was fine with it as long as I was the one taking care of it but mom Mina never agreed." I replied sighting.

"Why do you think she's not okay with having an animal ?" Ellie questioned.

"I don't know, but it's probably because she doesn't like when the house noisy, or is messy, or has a bad smell I guess..."

"Is your mom Mina strict with you ?"

I raised my eyes. "No, not really. I mean, she's firm when she needs to, but she is so loving and caring. I couldn't ask for a better mom."

"You know Hazel, your mom can be loving and caring, but also strict and firm." She stated.

"She's not like mean-strict. She is stressed-strict. She's under a lot of pressure from her job so when she gets home she just want a nice and calm environment so she gets angry easily if it's not the case, but I understand."

Ellie nodded and wrote something down.

"What are you writing ?" I asked, sitting up to see.

"What you just said." She showed me her notepad, for me to trust her.

"I don't want you to believe that my mom is mean with me. She's never been violent or anything. And trust me, I know about violence and abuse." I confessed.

Dr Staple raised her eyes, they were full of sadness. I don't think she knew about my past, I never talked about it and my moms neither. We stayed in silence for a couple of seconds before I decided to keep talking. I felt comfortable with Ellie Staple and I needed her to feel like I was trusting her so that she could keep helping me in the future, because I knew, I needed help.

"I- Mina and Delia are not my biological parents. Neither of them." I started, but soon realized it was harder than I thought to talk about it. It was not the talking part that was the hardest, it was the fact that if I wanted to speak, I needed to remember. And I didn't want to remember, but I wanted to prove to Dr Staple, Ellie, that my moms were the best thing that ever happened in my life.

"Do you think it'll be easier if your moms were there while you explain to me ?" She suggested and I agreed so I look for my phone to call one of my mom, but I couldn't find it.

"They took your phone when you were sleeping." Ellie stated.

"What ?! Why ?"

"Because we need your full attention on the recovery. We don't want you to handle other things than your health." She explained.

"But I didn't give my consent to that !!" I yelled, getting angrier by the minute. My phone was mine. It was mine, and in it was all the things I tried so hard to hide. It was mine.

"Your moms did. You're a minor Hazel, they still can make decisions for you. So I think it'll be better for the three of us if you try to communicate just a bit more." Ellie said, taking her own phonr out of her pocket and dialing some numbers on it.

"Hello Miss Goode, Hazel and I are talking... Yes... Yes we're good... We were just abording a harder subject so I was wondering if you could join us to emotionally help Hazel telling me... Alright... Thank you." And she hang up.

"Are they... Did they agreed ? Are they coming up ?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course they are Hazel. They are your moms. You're the most precious thing in their lives Hazel, trust me."

And with that, my two moms entered the room. They both immediately noticed my scared and sad face so they made their way to me and sat on each side of my bed, cuddling me close to them.

"You're okay baby ?" Murmured mom Delia in my ear, and I simply nodded.

"Hazel started to talk about her life before she met you. I kinda understand that it's not an easy topic, for all of you ?" She questioned.

"No it's not." Answered firmly mom Mina.

"Alright, I get it. Now Hazel, if you want to stop at any moment, you can. I won't push you. You can chose to skip parts or anything, but I just want you to be honest and most importantly, feel comfortable."

I nodded and took a deep breathe.

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