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In the interest of his good heart, he went to see Michelle,
If he was gonna lose his wife, he wanted to make sure he was the man in which his love Renée fell.
He was committed to change; he abandoned his crew,
Unlike Henry, Thomas reminded him of the reason he said I do.
Arriving at the hospital, he was so surprised,
To see Renée looking deep into a doctor's eyes.
He wanted to go over punch the dude and tell her how much he hated her;
But he realized he was guilty of the same crime as she left in the elevator.

"Hey, you!!!"
Mike shouted as he
followed Dr. Hendricks into his office

"May I help you sir?"
Dr. Hendricks asked

"Who do you think you are?!!"
Mike asked

"Umm, Dr. Brandon Hendricks,
Chief Medical Physician"
Dr. Hendricks chuckled

"I don't give a damn who you are, you stay away from my wife you hear me!! We may be on the verge of divorce, but I wont just let her off that easily!!"
Mike exclaimed

"Your wife? I don't know
what you're talking about."
Dr. Hendricks replied

"I'm two seconds away from punching you in the face right now, Renée Anderson; stay away from her!!"
Mike replied

"I'm seeing Renée Peddleton"
Dr. Hendricks added

"Now Anderson, because she's married, you idiot! You're treating her sister for crying out loud!!"
Mike exclaimed

"I...I didn't know."
Dr. Hendricks uttered

"Stay away from her!!!!"
as Mike stormed off

Brandon quickly removed his lab coat and got some water to drink, He immediately closed his office door, walking back and forth, as he allowed what went down to sink.

On the other hand, Renée arrived at work, celebrations were everywhere, and balloons started to burst, We are #1 in editing and that's a first. My CEO in Singapore loved your pitch meeting, And as a personal token, he expressed this greeting. She hugged Dimitri and to the entire team she said Thanks Immediately she received a notification from the bank-

Mrs. Anderson

This message serves to inform you that an automatic payment has been made against your overdue bill payments, inclusive of Water, Electricity, and Internet usage as well as Vehicle Insurance Renewal, Abode Maintenance, and Property Security upgrades. The total sum of 50,000,000 was made against your outstanding arrears.

Justine Smith
General Manager,
St. Joseph's National Bank

"Who made the payment?"
She began to ask herself

"Could it be Mike; I mean he's the only one linked between our accounts? Naaa he's too selfish even to buy groceries."
She thought to herself

She immediately called the bank to enquire who it was that paid; she had terrible reception, so she tried again later in the day.

"Hi good afternoon, Renée Anderson here, I received a notification that my arrears have been paid, may I ask who made the deposit?"
Renée enquired

"Good day Mrs. Anderson, I apologize but cannot reveal such information as the depositor wished to remain anonymous." The Bank clerk replied

"Is that so, okay Thank you"
Renée replied

"Your'e most welcome."
as the call ends

"That's definitely a Brandon move, damn I wasn't expecting this"
she thought to herself

She packed up her stuff and was about to head out as another day at work she survived
Waiting for her at the front desk, her favorite Starbucks had arrived.
She picked it up and began to smile, started to drink on the go,
As she didn't want to be late for Joey's Talent show.

When she arrived, to her surprise, Mike was already there,
Tears came to her eyes, but she pretended she didn't care.
She sat next to him in the front row,
She was happy he supported the kids for once, but she didn't let him know.

Joey came on stage and the entire crowd cried,
He started to sing and all doubt died.
At the end of his performance, Renée hugged Mike as her spirits were lifted,
Realizing what she had done, she awkwardly drifted.
At the end of the event, they both hugged their son,
Pick up Joel and go home from a day of fun.


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