Chapter 54

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Vincenzo Ricasso

Our date went passed in the blink of an eye, and we were now taking a small stroll along the beach after our dinner. Remembering Drea's advice, I took off my jacket and slowly placed it around Reine's shoulders. Drea was so excited when she heard that I had invited Reine out for a date and she made me stayed up the whole night on how to pay attention to her needs. 

She pestered me to let her meet Reine soon, but I had to do it after our date at least. I supposed I was doing pretty well so far throughout this date. Right?

Reine showed me a small smile as I passed her my jacket, as she pulled them closer to her body, hugging it tightly as another cold gust of wind blew over. 

We then stopped walking, stood at our spots as we admired the beautiful night sky ahead of us. I looked over at Reine, as she had her full attention on those stars in the sky. I coughed softly, trying to get her attention. 

"I have something to tell you." I muttered, feeling the confidence that I had previously slowly seeping out of my body as I looked at her in the eye. I was planning on telling her about my feelings, and I had practiced it so well at home, but yet no words could come out of my mouth the moment she looked at me. I'm so screwed.

Taking a silent deep breath, I could feel the accumulating sweat in my palms as I breathed out, "I like you, Reine Parker." Her eyes widened slightly in surprise as I confessed, and she blinked rapidly. Not sure if it was because of the wind or my sudden confession. But wait a minute, should I have said Avery? Or Reine?

"I like you be it whether you are Avery Romano or Reine Parker, it's the same to me." I added, hoping that she would be misinterpret my words. Her mouth slightly opened agape, then closed it as she hesitated for a moment. Was she going to reject?

"You don't have to say anything, I didn't confess in hopes of getting a reply from you. I confessed it because I missed the chance to do so back then, and I didn't want to miss the opportunity again. You don't have to feel pressurised by this." I assured, worried that she might feel awkward after this. 

She shook her head lightly, as she chuckled, "You just took the words out of my mouth, that's why I'm surprised. I like you too, in fact a lot, but...I'm not sure if I'm in the right position for this now." Her smile faded as she said the last part. 

"I'm sure you know about how that woman is still alive now, and that she's back again." She looked at me, as I nodded solemnly at her. She continued, "The past isn't over, it's still haunting me and the Romano. Can we, no rather, can I really afford to be in a relationship now? I don't want to keep you waiting, just because I'm still tied down to the past, that's unfair for you."

"Reine," I placed my hands on her shoulder as I turned her to face me, I continued, "I understand the way you feel, because I probably would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes. But instead of making the decision for me, for us, why don't you listen to how I would feel in this situation? I felt so happy whenever I'm with you, be it in the past or now, my feelings have never changed, not even once did it falter. You don't know how happy I was when I met you again after all these years, even though you seemed distant. When I first found out how you were battling with the past, I blamed myself for not noticing sooner. Maybe if I did, you would still have been with us. That was what I thought every day. But ever since you came back alive, I realised that it wasn't the case. You would still have been gone even if I had noticed what's wrong with you, because it was a battle that you had to fight, not something that I can fight on your behalf. But the only difference now is that I want to be next to you, to stand beside you in the battle and fight with you. I don't care how long I have to wait, because I will always be here for you, whether you need me or not, like it or not. So until the day you are able to resolve the past feuds, I will always be with you, until then you can give me an answer again."

By the end of my words, Reine broke into tears as she sobbed silently, grasping onto my hand tightly as though I would disappear into thin air. Stepping closer to her, I wrapped my arms around her body as I placed one of my hand on the back of her head and slowly lowered her head into the crook of my neck as she continued sobbing. I ran my hand up and down slowly on her back, a form of comforting and not uttering another word. 

She needs to let out the many years of grief that she had been keeping to herself, and to let the words of comfort to sink in so that she can at least loosen her grip on the past. I was not trying to make her forget the past, but instead to let herself go a little and to embrace herself for once. 

We stayed like this for the past 5 minutes as some of the people who passed by threw us weird glances. I put on a death glare to whoever was trying to judge or to keep on watching us. Had they not seen a person cry before that it was so amusing such that they had to stand and watch us for a few moments?

Reine's sobs seemed to have calmed down as she pushed herself away from the embrace, and the cold wind immediately wrapped around my body once more. Using the back of her hand, she wiped away the stray tears on her face as she sniffed. 

"There are so many things that I want to thank you for but yet I couldn't name out any. But I wish to take a step forward now, I don't want to have any regrets in the future." With that, she intertwined her hand in mine, as she held onto mine tightly. 

Taking a bold step forward, I placed my hands on both sides of her face, as I whispered softly, "May I?" She gave no response, but her actions says it all, by leaning towards my face. We both slowly leaned into each other, softly brushing across our lips together until they finally met. 

It was hard to ignore the wildly pounding heart of mine, but the lips that was pulling me in was more distracting. Our lips perfectly moulded into each other's as I started taking the lead slowly but passionately. The kiss felt like a drug, leaving me wanting for more after we broke apart, trying to catch our breaths. We looked at each other's slightly red and swollen lips and broke out in laughter, not to even mention the red puffy eyes of Reine's. 

Burying my face in her hair, I muttered, "You're going to be the death of me someday, Reine." 

It was definitely a wonderful night to be remembered for life. 

updated! i guess finally some romance part in this book, hm? my second time writing a kiss scene, probably some of you who have read Be The One would find it somehow similar IJWNBIJSNWNjs because that's all i can write ☠️ pardon my lack of experience JNJENDKNDKWN

anyways am writing this now in a heavy rain which is soooo perfect for sleeping ZZZZZZ tmi but oh wells

Happy reading! -7/11/2022

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