Chapter 62

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Reine Parker

Loading the last bullet into the chamber, I clicked the trigger in place before slotting into the deepest place that could fit in my clothes without looking obvious. Followed then, I picked up a small dagger and strapped it onto my ankle which would be covered up by my socks and long pants. 

Looking at the watch on my wrist, it was half past six and it was time for me to set off from here in order to get there on time to prepare for everything I need. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I tightened an extra round just in case things get too crazy and my hair gets in the way. My hand then wondered to the back of my neck where I could still feel the stitches. The tracker that was implanted in me. 

I made sure to pull up the black jacket so that it is well covered and would not be detected. Turning my head towards Roman who was sitting next to Vince and Mason, I sent a small nod towards their direction before heading towards the door. 

My eyes met Alexander's on the way as he stood up from his spot and walked towards me, for once, he portrayed expressions on his face and it showed nothing but worry and fear. It may sound ridiculous for one to even get to witness the well feared Italian boss showing an ounce of fear, but it was true. Maybe I should have took a picture to commemorate this moment. 

"Please, be safe." He breathed out. I nodded slightly, but remained a poker face as I turned my back at him and headed out. Climbing into the car, I pushed the engine button before revving off towards my destination. 

Surprisingly, it only took me an hour to reach which was probably due to my anxiety and caused me to drive faster than usual. It was 7.52pm and I was early by 8 minutes. The eerily silent surrounding got the back of my hair standing up right. 

Thankfully, I had packed a flashlight with me before setting for this place. Turning on the flashlight, the pitch dark surrounding instantly lightened up a bit as I moved forward with much caution so as to not fall into any of her traps. 

The building probably was used to manufacture for petrol oil given a faint smell still lingered around. I finally caught sight of a stairs which leads to upstairs and walked towards it. 

The moment my feet landed on the final steps, several bright light shone at me as I turned my head away and closed my eyes for a split second. 

"My, my, my. Look who's here." A voice got me squint my eyes towards the light source. It must be her, I will never be wrong about that voice which haunted me for so many years. 

The lights dimmed by at least half of its usual brightness and I could finally see what was ahead of me. Ari being chained up to a chair with a gag shoved in her mouth and Caroline Monet sitting somewhat across her, with her arms crossed in front of her chest. 

A smirk spread across her lips as her eyes fixed on me. I had never wanted to rip apart someone's mouth so badly before, not even when those girls in my school talked shit about me.  

"Search her if she has any tracker on her." She commanded, as four of her men trudged towards me like a pack of wolf preying on their prey. I moved back slightly but one of them caught my wrist and pulled me towards them and started searching me. 

Unfortunately, my gun was still found out as one of her scary looking men pulled out from my pants and said, "We found a gun in her clothes." I was somehow relieved that at least I still had my dagger with me because I had changed its hiding spot halfway through my journey. Thank God I stuffed the dagger into my bra. 

Caroline waved her hand in the air and replied casually, "You can return any sort of weapons to her, just make sure that there are no trackers found on her." To say I was shocked was an understatement because there was no way that she would allow me to be in possession of any weapons which I could use to kill her. Unless she has something else up her sleeve. 

The man tossed the gun back to me and all of them stepped out of the room after searching me. I secretly heaved out a sigh of relief knowing that the tracker on me was not discovered. 

(A/N: the below part in italics are her flashback)

"I need you guys to place a tracker in me." I stated, as Lucas stood up with his laptop and replied, "I can get one installed on your phone." 

I sighed, "No, not that one. I meant those that you can stitch into your body or whatsoever. What makes you think that she will allow me to bring a phone to that place just for you guys to track us down to that place. And if you place a tracker on me, they will eventually find it out. So it is best to make the tracker to be in my body where they won't be able to find it." 

Gabriel came back with a small glass bottle in his hand and there was a microchip within the bottle. He then passed it to Elijah, who brought some suturing kit with him. 

"Are you sure about this? It's going to hurt quite a bit even with the anaesthesia applied and gonna hurt like shit after it wears off." Mason asked. 

"We are all gonna be dead if you don't put this in me now." That was my reply. 

The pain was horrible, but I held it through because I have to put an end to everything. 

"Since we are all here now, why don't let's start with some refreshing course?" She pulled out a gun from the back of her waist as she pulled the trigger and took aim at me. 

In a split second, the sound of a gunshot resonated through the air as I held my arm in pain, with blood dripping down my hand. I was lucky enough to dodge the bullet and it had missed any important part of my body. 

I pulled myself as I stood straight again, returning the same smirk back at her, I replied, "Sure, I don't mind because I have something to refresh yours too."

updated! sorry if this chapter sounded very rushed or anything NJWJNSWJNSJ 

Happy reading! -23/12/22 

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