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Everything happens for a reason. That's what they are saying, right? Well, i do believe it. Everything is scheduled whether you like it or not. Every step you take is scheduled, someone had made that plan long before you decided to take that road. 

That's what happened to me. I studied Journalism in the university but i never got to work as a journalist. I wrote a few articles but i knew that it wasn't my passion. So, i entered the world of advertisement. I started working at a company that nobody knew about but i understood that this wasn't my passion either. I was 24 at the time and i felt so lonely in the world. Every friend of my had a stable job, an apartment, a relationship, something. And i was all alone. I came a long way from that. When the time passed, i understood that i didn't have to have all of those. I could take baby steps and become the person i always wanted to be. The world and the internet make us all think that by the time you get out of the university you have to find the perfect job and build the perfect life. Then, by the time you are 25 you have to get married, you have to have kids or you have to be the best at your department. But that isn't true. You have to do things on your own time. You have to find what is suitable for you and then be passionate about. I learned it the hard way. 

I left my old life in England behind me. I decided to go to Los Angeles, work there and find what it really gives me pleasure. I worked as a waitress, as a dog sitter and eventually as a personal assistant of a great actress. This lady helped me find out that my real passion is creating. I always had ideas for concepts but i didn't have the chance to tell them to the right people. She had a friend that works with another celebrity and she is a creative director. I met her once, we discussed and she told me that she would be really happy to work with me. She wanted me as her assistant and helping hand. 

So, now, I am standing in front of an office and i am waiting for my name to be called. Today, i am going to meet the whole team and by the end of this day i will have a clear answer whether i will work for Pleasing or no. 

I have read about pleasing. It is a company owned by Harry Styles. I have never met him, but i know that he is a good person. He is very hardworking and one of my sister's favorite singers from the time he was in One Direction. So, I'm standing here and waiting for them to call me in. 

"Iris Williams. They are waiting for you." A girl my age told me and i am standing up from the leather sit. She holds the door of the office open for me to enter and i calmly walk in. I look around me and i see a beautiful office, all white with a pink couch. I think that Molly, the woman who wanted me in her team chose it. It matches her personality. 

Inside the office i see Molly, Harry and two other men that i don't know.

"Iris, I'm so happy to see you again." Molly tells me giving me her hand for a handshake. "This is Harry, Harry and Jeff. We are the Pleasing." She says while pointing to each person. I do a handshake with all of them and then sit in the spare chair. 

"Okay, let's start because we don't have enough time." Jeff says and take my CV in his hands. "Well, Iris. I see here that you are from England, what are you doing here?" 

"I moved here 3 years ago to change my career path." They don't have to know the reason why i left England.

"What part of England are you from?" Harry, the singer Harry, asks me. 

"Manchester." I tell him simply.

"Oh, me too. Good." He says and then continues to look at the papers in front of him.

"You haven't worked as a creative director before, right?" The other Harry asks me.

"Yes, i haven't, but i worked 2 years as a journalist in a magazine in England, then I worked 1 year in the department of advertisement."

"And why do you think that you fit this position?" 

"I have always worked in teams and i know how to listen to my coworkers. I am open to new ideas and i have all the willingness to learn. I know that my experience isn't satisfying but i think that i have all the will in the world to make Pleasing a bigger and better company." I tell them while my voice is as stable as it can be. 

"How old are you Iris?" Jeff asks me. 


"Okay, thank you. Can you tell us your idea about the project Molly talk you about?"

"Yes, Molly send me the name of the collection. Shroom Bloom yells early spring for me. Whenever I hear this name, I am thinking of bright colors, like pink, blue, yellow. I am thinking about birds and their happy songs, I am thinking about magic. I feel like the best idea for this collection is something earthy." 

"I like it." Harry, the stylist, said. "I think that Molly was right." He looks to the other two men.

"Yes, she was. You still want the position right?" Jeff asks me and i nod. "Perfect, welcome to the pleasing family." He says and i thank him. 

"Welcome to pleasing." Harry finally speaks. 

This partnership will be interesting. 

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