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I'm so excited about seeing all of you adding pleasing to your reading lists. Have fun while reading, I hope it meets your expectations❤️


All things are going as planned. The photoshoot went well, Tonya and Florence are well, my daughter is better than ever and I really love my job. I am going every day in the office and i am helping at the advertising department every now and then. I have great ideas and i know how to make them happen. I love working in Pleasing, everyone is indeed happy and always smiling. 

I don't get to see Harry, Harry and Jeff so often. Styles was away touring America and now he is in London, Lambert is in London as well. I saw Jeff just once a couple weeks ago but i haven't heard about him since. 

I would be lying if i told someone that i don't miss the Harries. They are a great dynamic and i really enjoy their company. Harry, the Styles one, and I are talking every now and then but not as much as we used to when he was here. I find it completely normal though. We are almost friends and you don't talk with your almost friends every day, right? 

Lambert is texting me regularly. He is sending me memes about the pleasing products and always asks me how everything is in the office. He also asks about my little monster, as he likes to call my daughter. He seems to like her and really enjoy her company because he already told me that the next time he is going to be in Los Angeles, he is going to have a play date with her. 

Emma is growing so fast. I remember the first time i have held her in my arms and it feels like yesterday. But the next year, she is going to be 4 and i am going to be 28. We are getting old, and i don't want to. I want us to stay like this forever. Or maybe, she can get older but i have to stay like that so i can always be able to protect her. I can't afford something happening to me. 

Emma loves talking. She can pronounce more words now and understand a lot more things and she can't just stop. She loves also too much. She loves Mister Bunny, Mummy, Aunties and Millie. Millie and Emma are closer than ever. And that happened because some of their classmates made fun of Millie for having two dads. My daughter, being my daughter, was the one that told them off. The speech about the differences every family has, had made it into the school fairytale competition and every kid now has a copy of that exact story. I am so proud of her for not questioning that Millie has two parents of the same sex and her view in that makes me think that i have made it as a mother. 

She is asking from time to time where the Harries are and why they aren't in Mummy's work. I told her that they don't live here and they live in the other house where we are going with the plane. She demanded to go to the other house to play with them and see her grandma. 

My mother lives in Manchester alone. My father died a couple of years ago and she doesn't want to leave her house. I believe that the only time she is in fact happy is when she is with Emma. This year, Tonya and I decided to tell her to come visit. She has never been in California and we think that it is a great opportunity to relax a little. She said yes because Emma asked her. 

Emma knows now that Harry is a singer. She can't understand how famous he really is but she is in awe every time she sees him on TV. Tonya decided to introduce my daughter to the Harry Styles world. She isn't a big fan of his but has always dreamt to have a daughter who listens to One Direction with her. Now that One Direction doesn't exist, or they are in a hiatus as she likes to call it, she decided to do it with Harry's music. 

Emma was so confused when she saw the Harry she knows on TV running down a path and singing the word Golden. Now, she can say that she is a Harrie. And it is adorable watching her dance to Golden, Sunflower or her favourite one Canyon Moon in my living room. Sometimes she does it with Tonya too. I believe that even Tonya will never grow out of her One Direction phase and she will forever see Harry as her idol. Even now that she is 29. 

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