xlvi. heartbeat

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everything happened too fast.

the pure shock and horror on you and your mom's face.

police barging into your home.

screams coming from everywhere.


fast-pace beating of your heart.

pure anxiety filled your veins.

the handcuffs locked onto your wrists.


you don't know when, you don't know how, but somewhere along the way, you blacked out.

• • •

the last place you expected to wake up in was a hospital bed.

was it all a dream?

you sat up, peering across the blinding-white room. not a single soul seemed to exist within, except for yours.

this was izuku's kind of setting, not yours.

you rubbed your eyes, clearing the grogginess from your senses. blinking rapidly, you managed to get your eyes adjusted to the pearly-white room. groaning, you held your s/c hand to your head, a headache already settling in.

the door to your room suddenly swung open, revealing the head detective of the police, a homeless-looking man, your mom, the current number one hero, the retired number one hero, the bear-rat principal, a few random cops, and a nurse.

it was such an odd-ball group that you would've started giggling if it wasn't for the situation you were in.

it wasn't a dream.

"good morning l/n," the nurse started, placing the back of her hand on your forehead, "are you feeling any better?"

you nodded as she took her hand away. "that's good to see. everything seems to be okay so i'll let the professionals do their job."

"wait!" you started, grabbing a hold of her coat. "what exactly happened to me?"

"you had passed out so suddenly, as if you collapsed from stress and anxiety. but everything seems to be good now!" she explained, a simple smile plastered on her face.

definitely wasn't some messed up nightmare.

"i shall take my leave now." the nurse closed the door behind her, leaving you with a bunch of scary looking adults, and your mom.

the easy-going atmosphere left as soon as it came, now being replaced with the most jaw-clenching tension you have ever experienced in your life. it did not sit right with you.

were you seriously about to get arrested?


in front of your bed sat the head detective of the police, staring intently at you. aizawa and endeavor stood at opposite sides of the detective, guarding him. principal nezu hung out on aizawa' s shoulders, surveying everything with his happy-go-lucky smile. cops stood at the hospital door, ready just in case you decide to make an escape. all might and your mom sat in the corner near the window, both glancing glumly towards you and the ground.

and alas, you sat up on your paper-white hospital bed, a pounding headache settling in on you.

"hello l/n. i am naomasa tsukauchi, detective for the police force. we are here to question you as to whether or not you are yueei's traitor," he introduced calmly, as if he's done this millions of times (which he probably has).

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