XVII¤ Merek & Joseph

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Michael Thurston is Joseph. He's like a Greek god I swear. I drool every time I see him.

Merek's POV

"You're supposed to follow my orders. Why didn't you?" I ask, anger making its way into my voice.

"It wasn't my intention to disobey you."

"Then why did you do it?"

"I was with Ael."

"So what?" The mirror in the room explodes because of my rage. Joseph, like always, doesn't react. He's used to my outbursts.

"He is like me."

"You choose a child over your creator?" The room rumbles.

He doesn't reply. "Get out! Leave."

He complies and that just gets me angrier!

I strip off my clothes and I ready a bath. I add bubbles and scented perfumes to help calm me down.

I grab the wine a servant brought into my room and I step into the tub. The hot water burns my skin but the damage heals in seconds.

How could he do that? He's mine. He's the only one I can trust and yet some child is taking him away from me. If he leaves my side then... I'll be alone.

I laugh, he can't leave. He needs my blood. He may not need much, now, but he still needs me.

"Sire!" Hands grab at my waist and pull me out from the water.

"Calm down. I'm not dead. Don't worry, your food supply is still alive." I push his hands away but he grabs at me again and roughly.

"Don't touch me!" I push him and he flies across the room. His back hits the wall causing the paintings to fall.

I sniff the air and I bare my fangs. He smells like a lycan. He was with the boy.

"I've given you some freedom, have I not? I've given you everything and I've showed you the world you so eagerly wanted to see. Now you do something for me. Don't go anywhere near that child."

"Why not?" His eyes narrow into a glare.

"What do you mean 'why not?' You are my creation. I won't let you be taken from me. Obey, that's your job." I drain the water and I grab a towel. I rap it around my waist.

"I won't do as you say."

I stop in my tracks. A pain in my chest explodes and I start counting numbers. Calm down. He's never disobeyed me. Why now?

"What do you want? Are you tired of serving me? Do you want your freedom? Tell me, Joseph. What do you want? I'll give it to you."

"My freedom."

"If I give you your freedom we will never meet ever again and you won't live for long without my blood."

"I want my freedom."

A tear manages to escape my eye. I wipe it away and I change my demeanor. "So be it." I turn around. "But only if you kill that child you're so smitten with. Sounds fair right?" I smile sinisterly. My voice became cold and uncaring.

Joseph balls his fists and tightens his jaw. He hates this part of me. The man who can be the devil if he wishes. That and with the task he has to complete, he's furious. Of course he won't do anything to me. He can't.

I look into his eyes and his pain is completely visible. He's not even bothering to hide it. I've never seen that look before. He truly cares about the boy. It reminds me of that night.

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