part 10

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( when it was time for childe to leave !! )

scaramouche wakes up. he knew what day it was, the day that childe leaves. recently he has been distancing himself away from childe so he doesn't get attached when the other leaves but it fails horribly. hes happy that childe gets to leave but he leaves without him. it's just a silly little attachment it's gonna be gone once he leaves that's what scaramouche always told to himself. he regrets not spending more time with him and instead of doing so he was distancing himself. "i'm happy that you finally get to get out to here" he says to childe as he realized he was awake. you could tell scaramouche was sad but he still smiled at the other.

Tartaglia soon awoke on his own bed, rolling onto his other side. His hair was now longer than it was when he came in, yet he still looked the same. He let out a sigh, hearing Scaramouche say something to him as he almost immediately sat up. It was the day he left? Shit- this couldn't be happening. He had lost all knowledge of time when in here- so he thought he still had a while to go. The harbinger looked over to Scaramouche, sadnes in his eyes as he shook his head. "Is this why you were being so distant over these few days? Scara, I don't want to leave you here alone." Childe expressed, walking towards the other and placing his hands on his cheeks. "I wish you could just come with me- we could go back and work together for who knows how long if we asked kind enough. I just don't want to have to come down here again to see you suffering alone." He stated, leaning closer to The Balladeer's face.

"ask kind enough!? ajax that's not gonna work!" scaramouche said tears filling up in his eyes. "i want you to go you deserve it i'm just attached to you and maybe once you leave i won't be attached to you anymore but i don't want you to leave!" he said only saying things that goes through mind at the moment not caring if it doesn't make sense. "your family needs you and plus when i get out of here i won't have no where to go." he said a bit more quietly, looking up at childe. he realized how close it is and figured if this was the last time they would see eachother he might aswell. he kissed childe then broke it by hugging him tightly.

Childe felt Scaramouche kiss him and then take him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, Scara. I just didn't want it to turn out this way. I really didn't expect myself to get so close with you after we ended up in here." Childe stated, starting to cry. "Youre the only person who's been able to comfort me in so long- I don't want to leave you here." He said, burying his head into the Balladeer's shoulder, his hands wrapping around the other's waist. "Please Scara- I know I said I'll come visit you but I don't know how often that will be. You know Her Majesty doesn't like me staying in Snezhnaya- so I'll probably be sent away in a few days." Childe stated, hugging him tighter.

scaramouche begin to become quiet. he felt small, trapped, like a little mouse stuck in a cage. he calmed down some by breathing more steady. "i miss you.." he says giving childe a small kiss "aslong as you visit me when you can.." he said trying to hold back his voice crack and his tears. scaramouche faced it, childe has to leave. " i miss you but we have to face it" he says looking away with a tear falling.

The harbinger let out a sob, not wanting Scaramouche to see his face. He felt as though showing his weaknesses to the other would make him look down upon Childe, hence why he's trying to hide his face in Scaramouche's shoulder. "I'll miss you too- Scara." He cried, hands grabbing the material of the other's clothing as he held on tighter. "I promise you'll be out soon. We can do whatever we want then-" he stated, thinking. "We could go and see the scenery of our favourite nations- of even just visit eachother every now and then." He stated, lifting his head up so that the other could see his teary face.

"since we're yk.. not gonna see eachother and if you like reject me and stuff it wouldn't be awkward" scaramouche said awkwardly, "i think well i know- so um i know i like you and it's more then like but i'm just to afraid to say.. so if you don't feel the same please tell me!" he said while avoiding eye contact with the other.  but what if he liked me back did i really mess up my one chance!? scaramouche thought while waiting for the other answer.

The harbinger listened closely to Scaramouche, letting him admit that he really did like Childe. A smile appeared on his face as he kissed the Balladeer after he had finished saying what he had wanted to. "Scara, I love you too." Childe stated after pulling away. He continued to cup the other's face in his palms as he let out a sigh. "After all this time of knowing you, you're the only person I've ever felt this way towards. I don't want to lose you again, Kunikuzushi." Childe stated, letting go of the other as he glanced at the door, noticing a group of guards starting to make their way up to it. The harbinger latched himself onto Scaramouche, buryinh his face in his shoulder. "I don't want to leave you." He expressed, sobbing once again.

scaramouche got childe off of him, "i be fine in here plus your gonna meet your family, think about your family" he said trying to make the other feel much better then himself. "your family is gonna be so happy once they see you and your gonna get your "job" back." he says not looking childe in the eye. he got up to where the guards were and his theory was right there coming to get childe. one of the guards open the door up for childe and the other guard made sure scara wasn't gonna go anywhere.

( i lowkey hate how scara is acting because he's acting too soft so i'm sorry i wrote this a long time ago h

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