part 11

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Tartaglia turned around to see the guards starting to open the door, soon feeling Scaramouche escape his grasp. "I can see my family anyways! Scara- I'll be back for you, I promise." He stated as one of the guards grabbed his wrist, Tartaglia immediately pulling away. "I'm so sorry Scara. I really don't want to leave you like this." Childe said towards the other, feeling his wrist be grabbed again and shoved behind his back before he could escape the agent's grasp. The harbinger fought back for a few moments, trying to get back to where Scaramouche sat, though found it no use when his other wrist was grabbed. Was it really going to end like this? Childe didn't want to leave Scaramouche alone, though he did want to see his family. He continued to cry, his teary eyes staring at Scaramouche as he was hauled backwards and out of the cell.

scaramouche caught eye contact with childe for a second before he looked away. scara heard childes comments about him not leaving him.  he believed childe but as soon as he was sure that childe was fully gone he felt alone again. the guard that was watching over him went away as he himself was sure that the other was gone. scaramouche seated himself down and just stared at the wall infront of him for hours. soon enough a guard came in and gave him his food, he just stared at it. if childe was here we would want me to eat it.. "but childe isn't here so there's no fucking point!?" he said as he started saying his thoughts out loud.

Even after being hauled out of the cell, Tartaglia already missed Scaramouche. As soon as they reached the exit to the prison he was placed down and told to be on his way, and when he wanted to go back in to see the other, he was denied entry. The harbinger let out a sigh as he slowly but surely walked away from the prison, his head hanging low as he made his way to the exit of the palace. Though, Tartaglia realised something. The exit they had escaped from a few weeks ago was still an available option to get back into the cell block and see Scaramouche again. So that's where he headed- after going to his room and changing his clothes of course.

scaramouche pushed the tray of food under his bed. he looked at the empty bed beside his imagining childe was there. he knew it wasn't real but it gave him a sense of reassurance that the other was still near him. he realized when he was distancing himself from the other it was hard so now him not even being here makes it worst. he lifted up his knees against his chest, wrapped his arms around knees and places his head against his arms hiding, this was the only comfortable position he could be right now tho he would be much comfier near childe.

As soon as Tartaglia had finished getting ready, he almost immediately started to head down to the door. He wore his fatui uniform which looked alike to the guards, though underneath the coat he wore his usual shirt and body harness. He could easily blend in with the guards if he tried hard enough, though he hoped that Scaramouche would recognise him under the barrage of clothing he wore. As soon as Childe reached the door so the cell block, he headed down. The layout was still extremely confusing to him, even after being dragged throughout the entirety of it one night. He let out a sigh before walking past a familiar-looking cell and seeing a familiar-looking person inside. He stopped in his tracks and glared into the cell, letting out a sigh of relief when he realised who it was.

scaramouche heard a "guard" sigh and he looked up quickly kinda startled. he noticed that it was childe, "pfft- you look more of a idiot in that outfit" he said trying to hide away his sadness. scaramouche was glad that childe came to visit but so soon?

The harbinger smiled as soon as he noticed that Scaramouche had also realised who Tartaglia was. "It was the only thing I could find!" He expressed, pulling out something from underneath the coat he was wearing. It was one of his jackets- which The Balladeer used to cover himself with whilst resting. He slid it through the bars whilst examining the cell the other was in, noticing the plate of food underneath the bed. "Scara, have you not eaten yet?" He asked, looking at the other. "Come on, you know I don't like to see you not eating. Even if I'm not here, I still expect you to.".

"im not hungry." scaramouche said looking away from the other. he knew he couldn't lie to the other straight in the face so he just quickly looked away from him. if he got so hungry to the point when he didn't feel good he would just eat the cold food ofc. "looks like you haven't even seen your family yet ajax," he said trying to get smart with him.

Tartaglia let out a sigh at hearing that the other was not hungry. He shook his head as he removed the hat, letting his now fluffy hair out for the other to see. The harbinger stuck his hands through the bars, wanting to caress Scaramouche's face but he could reach. "My family can wait, I want to know if you're ok. I was on my way to see them anyways- j just wanted to come check on you first." Childe stated, looking at the other.

"childe go see your family i'm fine." scaramouche said not wanting childe to leave. once he looked at childe he finally noticed that the other sticked their hand out, he knew what he wanted but he just looked at the other.

"I can tell that you're not fine, Scara. After being with you for weeks on end, I know when you are and you aren't fine. Just tell me- what's wrong? I'll try and help." Childe stated, sympathising with the other. He wanted Scaramouche to be alright before he left to go see his family, though he also did not want to leave Scaramouche. "Please, Scara." He whined, looking at the other.

"i wanna leave, you can help by opening that fucking cell, no one saw you here right? just open it they will think i escaped and then we or i make a plan from there." scaramouche said with anger in his voice clearly. he hated being here it's like the first time he was locked up in here. "i do anything just for you to open the door please" he pleaded hoping that childe will.

The ginger felt as though Scaramouche wanted to get out in the first place. He walked over to the door, grabbing onto it as he pulled, though he noticed the array of locks lining it. "I don't have a key, but I'll try my best without bringing attention to us." He stated, using his vision to try and rust and freeze the locks again. He knew that after breaking Scaramouche out they'd probably have to be on the run from the fatui, though he genuinely didn't care. He wanted Scaramouche and his family to be safe- and that's all.

scaramouche sighed as he heard childe comment about that he couldn't open the door, everything else was blurred out by him zoning out and just looking at childe try to open the door. "if it doesn't open then it's no use." he said ready for childe to say he couldn't open it.

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