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it was late at night and doi was sleeping. harry and robin were laying on the sofa watching tv.

" so what do you wanna watch? " harry asked

" i dont know, but im starving. " robin responded

" you want me to grab some candy doi got while trick or treating! " harry said excitedly

" sure ill be on the sofa " robin said

harry got out off the sofa then walked to the kitchen. he looked in the cabinet and grabbed the candy bag then went back to the sofa and started cuddling with robin. robin put on a tv show and they started eating the candy.

10 minutes past.

" can you pass me a red lollipop. " robin asked

" okay here you go " harry said while passing robin a red lollipop

robin was sucking on the red lollipop loud.

" dude can you stop sucking on the lollipop im trying to watch tv. " harry yelled at duck

" im pretending the lollipop is you~ " robin whispered at harry ear.

harry blushed and looked away while covering his face. he looked in the candy bag and saw there was only one candy left. it was a blue lollipop, his favorite color. he put the lollipop in his mouth and started sucking on it. robin looked at harry and started blushing.

" i see you blushing. you really enjoy that dont you. " harry whispered to robin.

robin looked away in embarrassment. harry grabbed robin by the back of his head and started kissing him softly. robin was shocked but also was enjoying it. they still had the lollipops in there mouths.

harry grabbed on robins thighs roughly.
robin was moaning and panting.
harry sticked his tongue down robin throat.
robin was still moaning in pleasure.
harry took robin clothes off and slowly went on top of him.
harry was grabbing robin bottom while moaning.
robin pulled harry forward then started making out

they were both moaning really loudly until they heard a door open. harry quickly helped put robin clothes back on and sat calmly on the sofa. doi came in looking scared

" whats wrong little guy. " harry asked

"  i heard a lot of noise downstairs can i sleep with you guy. " doi responded

" of course you can come sit next to us. were watching tv. " harry said

doi climbed on the sofa and hugged harry.

" were you guy eating my candy? " doi asked

" what are you talking about? " harry responded

" yeah? " robin also responded too

" your guys mouths are purple and my bag is empty :( " doi said

harry and robin looked at eachothers tongue and was blushing when they saw there tongues were purple.

" sorry about that doi we will buy some candy tomorrow. how about we go to your bed and read a bedtime story! " harry asked to doi

doi jumped up and down in excitement while screaming bedtime.

" dont worry we will continue what were doing when doi has alone time with his father. " harry whispers to robin ear making it wet

robin blushed and grabbed a pillow putting it in his face and scream in excitement.

(rate my story this took an hour and i worked really hard on it. this is my first time making a story in wattpad so dont judge😭 and yes they had the lollipops in there mouth when they were doing a nasty)

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