Class A leadership

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It was the third day of the school. I didn't go yesterday because I had to prepare for the concert. Essentially, it will be my first day since the first day of the school was just about entrance ceremony and rules and stuff.

I was slightly sad after performing for last time on the stage. So I drugged Kiyo so that he slept like a log and used his body as my pillow. I even got one of his shirt so that his scent will calm me down.

Anyway, I headed towards my class. I will wait for a while to decide to whether transfer to Kiyo's class or transfer him to mine.

Entering the class, I was greeted my lovestruck boys and girls. Heh. But only Kiyo is my love. You guys don't stand a chance.

I gracefully sat on my seat and was about to put on my headphones and pretend to sleep but several girls surrounded me.

"Sakura-sama! We really love you! Whether you want to retire or not, we will always support you!"
"We will do anything for you!"
Anything...? Guehehehe! What will happen if I suddenly barge into Kiyo's class and tell him that he can ask me to do anything? Kyaaa!

No! Focus Sakura focus!

"Thanks for the support."

The girls looked like they wanted to talk some more, but the bald guy who looks like some pornstar from some video came towards me.

"Ahem! Good morning Fukubi-sama. I am Katsuragi Kohei. Nice to meet you."

"Good morning Katsuragi-kun."
"Umm, I came to you to inform you about an important circumstance that is happening in the class right now. We have come to the conclusion that we won't receive 100,000 points next month. Since it is suspicious that the school is giving us so much allowance-"

Hmm... I am bored. So how about I play with him?

I innocently tilt my head in confusion.
"Is it really too much?"

He was baffled by my statement, but quickly regained his composure.
"Umm, it may seem to be not too much for you, but for common students like us, it is 10-20 times of what we require when the basic necessities like dorms, electricity bill, water bill, etc. are provided to us free of cost."

"Hmm, I can understand what you are saying, but isn't it the elitest school of Japan, and even amongst the top 3 schools of the world for straight 10 years? In Shunchin Academy's middle school, the cultural festival's budget is around 50-60 million yen. So don't you think it will be somewhat comparable to that school? I think 100K yen allowance is pretty justifiable."

"Yeah... Sakura-sama has a point."
Around 20-25 students seemed to nod in my nonsensical argument. Stupids.

Suddenly, a wild loli appeared!
Ahem! A smug loli appeared!

"Sakura-sama, I am Sakayanagi Arisu. I must say that the difference between Shunchin Academy and this school is too much. All kids of the richest people in Japan attend there, and they receive funds from the richest. While this school is entirely government funded.

And I have already confirmed the pattern of allowance we will get from observing the situation of the seniors.

The class D students receive too less so that they have to restort to depend on free meals while class A-"

"I have already figured out the about 70-80% of the working of the school from sensei's explaination on the first day. You two want something from me, don't you? Just say it directly without wasting time to trying to explain your findings."

I decided to cut her off because it was turning boring. Katsuragi faltered while smug loli's smile turned more smug.

"Fufu~ I expected that much from Sakura-sama. Fine. I will just directly say it. We are in kind of a struggle in leadership. Between me and Katsuragi-kun. And we want to know on whose side you want to be."
"That's right."

Oh? Power struggle? Should I just keep supporting one then jump to another? But... That would be too boring. I have to find some entertainment till I get to meet Kiyo again.

Smug loli seems to have around 5 people while Katsuragi seems to have only 1. Looks like the rest are waiting for me and jump to the side which I will support.

"But... What if I want to lead?"

Katsuragi seemed to be in quite a peril, seeing his expressions. While I caught smug loli's smug smile falter for a very small amount of time.

"Hahaha! No need to be so tense you two! I don't have the motivation to leading the class. It will be too cruel to other classes. Fine. How about we decide by a game, on whom I will support? You have one month. Whoever gathers more points than me, I will support him or her. How does that sound?"

"And how much do you have?"
"Not much. Just around 80 million."
""That's impossible!""

Both of them shouted at the same time. Woah! Smug loli is not smug anymore.

"Ara ara~ I was just teasing you children. Anyway, the power struggle seems to be too boring to me. I lost interest. Do whatever you want, but don't expect me to follow any of you. I will do as I please.

Though if you can keep me entertained, my opinion might change."

"I see. How about you play a match of chess with me? I sure I could entertain you by winning against you."
"Too lame. Rejected."

Haah! I feel quite refreshed by insulting her hobby. All this time I had to keep up my reputation, but I don't have to do that now!

Smug loli was pissed now. But she can't do anything to me if she wants to lead the class.

"I see. Could it be that Sakura-sama is not confident in winning against me?"
"Nah. I just don't want to waste my time over such a boring game. If you are so eager for a match, how about we have a bet?

If you win, I will support you and even follow your instructions to a certain degree as long as it isn't too much.

But if I win, I will change my class and you will have to pay me 1 million points in installments. How about it?"

What will smug loli do now? If she accepts and loses, she will be lose almost everyone's support and they will start blaming her.

And I am 100% confident in beating her. Of all the matches I have played with Kiyo, most of them has been draws and he has only beaten me 5-6 times while I have beatehim 3-4 times. Smug loli stands no chance against me.

Smug loli smiled, but not smugly.
"I am a good citizen. I believe betting is not a good thing."

I looked towards Katsuragi as if asking that he has anything entertaining. He shook his head. Too bad.

"You two children can play your power struggle game all you want. Just don't try to give any instruction to me or meddle in my school life. Now shoo!"

Too bad they didn't have to offer anything entertaining. Guess I will find some other playmates till Kiyo lives his peaceful life-chan.

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