Chapter 3: Ben

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'It seems your childhood affliction has returned, Your Grace.' His physician informed him grimly as Benedict lay in his bed, being treated as a bloody invalid by both his servants and his friends. Even now Graham and Philip were hovering behind the physician like mother hens. His fainting spell had frightened them greatly, the sentimental clods. 

'Aren't you the same Goddamn man who assured me that I was cured of it?' Benedict snapped as the man before him flinched.

'These things are greatly unpredictable, Your Grace. You hadn't had an attack of your dyspnea like this in years, by all accounts it seemed that your affliction had left. I wager your accident in the Thames triggered something that caused its return.'

'You wager?' Even lying in bed, he was able to summon a tone of regal menacing. 'Do I pay your extortionist fees for bloody guesses?'

'I can only tell you what the Literature tells me, Your Grace.'

Benedict scowled but Philip cut in before he could let out the volley of curses that were flying through his mind.

'What would you suggest, Doctor? What would be the best option for His Grace?'

'I would suggest that His Grace retire early to the country, preferably somewhere with a lot of fresh air. The air of London surely isn't doing him any good. And it is given that he should avoid cheroots and cigars.'

'But I have work to do in London, and not just with Parliament.'

'I am just your humble servant, Your Grace, my place is only to suggest.' The doctor said as he began to pack up his instruments.

Benedict took a mental stock of his properties; the townhouse in Birmingham was out of the question if he needed fresh air, his estate in Scotland was too damn far away. His mother would be in residence at Rothbury Castle with her interfering friends, his wife would be at Silverton Abbey as she had summered there exclusively for the last six years. His typical country residence, Sunfield Manor, was undergoing renovations in his absence.

And.....Chatwick hall housed far too many unpleasant memories.

That left him with no choice other than Hartley Manor, but even that was an unpleasant option seeing as how he and his Duchess had the unspoken understanding that Hartley Manor was her estate, since it had formerly belonged to her father and had only been given to him as a wedding present. Speaking of his Duchess, a fresh pot of flowers was situated at his bedside.

Have you cursed me again, my strange lady?

A servant had brought him his writing utensils so that he could carry out his correspondence from the bed. Giving in to a strange impulse, he began to write his first ever letter to his wife.


Pray tell, what it is that I have done to earn your ire so much so that you prayed for the return of my childhood sickness? I shall hasten to make amends as I cannot be indisposed for too long.

Your Husband,

The Duke of Rothbury

Her reply arrived not even two days later. He was surprised to find that he was opening it with an anticipating smile.


Not 'husband', she addressed him by his title instead. He did not know why he disliked it.

Do not jest so! I was truly apologetic for your unfortunate accident! I shall pray for your good health, though worry not, God is not kind enough to make me a widow so young. You will surely die only once I am too old and withered to remarry.

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