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This bonus chapter is dedicated to Clinton, with thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

¿Did you pee in your sleep?

I don't think so, but it was hard to tell. I didn't think hypnosis would actually be able to do that, because you'd have to have some part of your mind awake in order to follow the suggestions. Wouldn't you? But there really was no way for me to tell.

When I felt the bulk of the diaper, I couldn't believe that it could get so wet without me realising. And then I remembered last night, and trying out that stupid badge. That was really something I didn't want to deal with. And I remembered, as well, that as soon as I woke up and grabbed my phone I had tapped the buttons on the screen to tell it that I'd had an accident. I'd just done it without thinking, like brushing your hair away from your eyes. It was something that wasn't important enough to remember, and that I could do entirely by instinct. Or that's how it had felt when I tried to make myself remember.

The important thing now was to remove the badge, and make sure that nothing like this would happen again. I'd avoided accidents last night, but if I'd thought about it I should have realised that I would need to pee again when I woke up in the morning. I should have set a potty timer for twenty minutes after my alarm; that way I wouldn't have wet myself even if I was desperate when I woke. So I went into the app and swiped over to see the wardrobe screen; and hesitated.

No, I didn't need to change it right away. My first priority was getting this clammy diaper off my butt. I went into the bathroom, put the diaper in the bin, and then pulled off my hoodie and bra as well. A wet diaper hadn't actually felt that bad; it wasn't the gross sensation I'd expected, but now I knew that it had been pressed against my skin for that long, I felt an urgent desire to be clean. I told Potty Genius that I was changing my diaper after washing; and realised why that option was on the change menu. Then I threw a robe around my shoulders, and hurried down the landing to the proper bathroom. I might be comfortable changing in my en suite, but sometimes you just needed a real bath. And a cedar and jasmine bath bomb, to fill the tub with bubbles and the air with a scent that seemed almost synonymous with cleanliness to me.

I let myself soak, until I started feeling clean again. I could easily have fallen asleep in the tub, but I reminded myself that I'd had plans for the day. I took extra care to get my hair clean, but didn't put conditioner on today. And then I stood up and found myself starting to pee. I didn't even feel it, but I could hear the difference when the sound of water dripping off me turned back from a trickle to a torrent. I looked down and sighed, thinking that it would probably have been better to change the badge first after all.

I soaped up my legs again, and rinsed them off, before stepping out of the tub and pulling the plug. Then I wrapped myself in a soft, warm towel, and picked up my phone. The first priority now, before I got distracted again, was to turn that badge off. But it turned out that wouldn't be as easy as I had expected.

¿Hadn't you had the badge on for the hours it said?

I had. I could probably have gotten up in the night to change it, if I'd thought about it. But it turned out that the badge system still had one more trick up its sleeve.

I tapped the buttons to tell the app that I'd had another accident, and that I'd peed in the bath this time. It let me report that, and reminded me that once I was dry I would need to put a diaper on again. And then I went to the badges.

I could drag the badge off Baby Adrica's dress back into the trophy cabinet. It didn't give me an error this time. But the 'OK' button at the bottom of the screen was grey and disabled. I tried tapping it a couple of times, but it didn't respond. When I tapped the 'puddle pants' badge in the list, the details that popped up still said '[equipped]' beside it.

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