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The golden rays of the morning sun tiptoed through the half-closed curtains, dancing merrily on the walls of the cozy room

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The golden rays of the morning sun tiptoed through the half-closed curtains, dancing merrily on the walls of the cozy room. Shahmeer stirred in his sleep, slowly, he opened his eyes, greeted by a sight that filled his heart with indescribable joy.

His Zar, his newly wedded wife, lay peacefully beside him, her delicate form softly illuminated by the gentle morning light. Her tousled hair cascaded over the pillow, framing her innocent face like a halo. The sight of her filled Shahmeer's heart with overwhelming love, a love that was new to her, for she had never experienced such emotions before.

Zartasha's life had been marked by miseries from an early age. Her parents' untimely demise had thrust her into a world of struggle and hardship, where love was a foreign concept. She had grown up witnessing the cruelties of life, her heart shielded from the tender affections that others often took for granted.

But now, as Shahmeer gazed at her slumbering form, he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility to show her the depths of love and affection. He knew that it would take time for Zartasha to fully understand and embrace these newfound emotions, but he was determined to be patient and guide her through this journey.

He gently shifted, careful not to disturb Zartasha's peaceful sleep. He reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his touch as tender as a whisper. Zartasha stirred slightly, her hand instinctively finding its way to Shahmeer's side, as if seeking comfort in his presence.
A soft smile played upon Shahmeer's lips as he watched her, his heart swelling with indescribable tenderness.

He marveled at the beauty of the moment, realizing that their love story was just beginning to unfold. They were two souls, intertwined by the threads of destiny, embarking on a journey of love and healing.

A knock on the door broke his trance, and Zartasha's sleep was also disrupted. He got up carefully and opened the door. His mother was standing there with a warm smile. Just as he turned around, Zartasha woke up and looked around, hurriedly grabbing a dupatta that was laying beside her and directing her gaze towards the door where he was facing his back.

"She is sleeping, Mama," he informed his mother. Before his mother could speak, Zartasha came from behind and greeted her with Salam.

"Walaikumasalam, bachay. I just came here to tell you that your dress is in the closet for today. If you don't feel comfortable in it, choose something else. Okay? Everyone is waiting for breakfast. After that, you both can rest," She said. Zartasha nodded, her heart welling up. This family was showering love unconditionally. She had never experienced such a thing before.

Shahmeer closed the door as his mother walked away, his gaze fixed upon Zartasha who appeared lost, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Hey, what's wrong, Zar?" he inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"Huh! Nothing," she replied, her voice trembling. But before she could walk away, he reached out and gently held her hand.

"You can share anything with me. Now tell me what's bothering you," he reassured her, his eyes filled with sincerity.

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