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In the soft glow of the morning sunlight, Shahmeer stood by the bedside, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he watched Zartasha stir awake. He held a single rose in his hand, its delicate petals kissed by dewdrops, and as he leaned over, he gently brushed the flower against her cheek.

Zartasha's eyes fluttered open, a delighted smile gracing her lips. "What's this, Meer?"

He chuckled softly, his fingers tracing a path down her arm. "Just a reminder that our love is as fresh and beautiful as this rose."

She laughed softly, her heart warming at his romantic gesture. "You and your cheesy lines."

As Shahmeer leaned in for a lingering kiss, the door creaked open, and two pairs of giggling footsteps echoed in the room. He pulled away with an annoyed face, making Zartasha laugh loudly. They both turned to see their children standing at the doorway.

"Good morning, Papa and Mama!" Aliyan exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with mischief. At seven years old, he had inherited his father's charm and his mother's curiosity.

"Morning, my little star" Zartasha greeted, ruffling Aliyan's hair affectionately, just like his father's. "Did you sleep well?"

Aliyan nodded enthusiastically, but before he could say more, his little sister tugged at his shirt, her laughter tinkling like bells. "Aliyan, look what I found!"

Shahmeer's heart melted at the sight of their daughter, her chubby cheeks flushed with excitement.
"And who is this lovely little lady?" He asked with a playful smile.

She proudly introduced herself in her cute voice, showing her tiny dimples. "This is Aria Shahmeer Zaidi, Papa. She's four years old."

Aria's eyes sparkled as she held up a drawing she had made, a colorful masterpiece that was a testament to her artistic talents at such a young age.

Shahmeer bent down to her level, his eyes full of adoration. "Wow, Aria! That's an amazing drawing. Did you make it all by yourself?"

Aria nodded, a proud smile gracing her lips. "Yes, Papa! And I drew a rainbow too!"

Zartasha held out her arms, and Aria rushed into her embrace, giggling as she was enveloped in her mother's warmth. "You're such a talented artist, sweetheart" Zartasha cooed, pressing a kiss to Aria's forehead.

As the family of four shared their morning moments of affection, the room was filled with a symphony of laughter, love, and innocence.

Later that evening, the family gathered in the backyard, the sun setting in a blaze of oranges and pinks on the horizon. Aria was twirling around with pure joy, her colorful dress swirling around her, while Aliyan was busy setting up a picnic blanket with the help of his father.

After Aria was born, they shifted to London as the Zaidis started their branch there, and Shahmeer was handling it.

"Alright, everyone!" Shahmeer called out, his voice carrying a playful tone. "It's time for our special picnic!"

Zartasha carried a basket filled with delicious treats, her eyes shining with excitement. As they all settled down, Aliyan handed out sandwiches and snacks, his sense of responsibility shining through.

As they enjoyed their picnic, Shahmeer's phone played a soft melody, and he chuckled as he retrieved it from his pocket. "It's a song request from the little lady of the house" he announced with a wink.

Aliyan and Aria exchanged a conspiratorial glance, and then Aria's face lit up as the melodious notes of a nursery rhyme filled the air. She jumped to her feet, her tiny hands held out as if she were performing on a grand stage.

With a playful twirl, Aria began to dance, her movements a delightful combination of innocence and exuberance. Aliyan joined in, clapping along to the rhythm, and soon enough, Zartasha and Shahmeer were swept into the infectious joy of the moment.

Laughter filled the air as the family danced together, under the canvas of the setting sun, their hearts intertwined in a symphony of togetherness. The carefree laughter of their children, the warmth of each other's presence, and the knowledge that their love had created this beautiful, lively family filled Zartasha and Shahmeer with a profound sense of contentment.

As the day turned into night, Shahmeer wrapped his arm around Zartasha, their children nestled between them, their eyes trained on the starlit sky. Aliyan pointed to a particularly bright star and said, "Look, Mama, Papa! It's our family star!"

Zartasha smiled, her heart brimming with love. "Yes, Aliyan. That star will always watch over us, just like we watch over each other."

Shahmeer pressed a kiss to Zartasha's temple, his voice a soft murmur. "Our love story continues, Zar. It's a story filled with laughter, tears, and moments like this. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

As they lay there, a family bound by love and strengthened by the passage of time, they knew that their love story was one for the ages - a story that would continue to unfold with every sunrise and every twinkling star in the night sky. And in the embrace of their family, surrounded by the gentle embrace of the night, they found the sweetest kind of forever.

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(For book edits, recommendations & some heart to heart talk)

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