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< Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey is playing .. >

^ Notes - cussing , mention of cancer !

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She has only started her life and yet her life was bound to end earlier than she wanted it to end. As much as she wanted to live more she couldn't handle the pain it caused her. She felt selfish for wanting to end her life just because of the pain.

That night in her office she wrote letters. Packaged up gifts and more and more letters. She even decided to write a short one for her parents and brother, her friends.

Y/n called her assistant that night, Emma. Yep Emma's her assistant. She trusted Emma enough to the point she told her about her dis-ease and not tell anyone about it. Emma didn't take the news good at all she cried while she heard Y/n talk on the phone. She kept asking, 'why won't you just go to the doctor and let them cure you?' Y/n stayed quiet and just told Emma everything's gonna be fine. No, everything's not gonna be fine.

They all had grown this strong bond that no one can break, but everyone knows that once Y/n leaves that bond will forever be broken and cannot be fixed.

Emma begged Y/n to go to the best doctors and cure her but Y/n said no and that she'll soon be gone and it's pointless in her mind. Cancer isn't easy to cure especially her stage. When the call ended Y/n still heard her best friend cry out to her, Emma wanted to drive to Y/n and help her but she had to keep her promise so that the bond won't break so easily at the moment.

A tear slipped Y/n's face and that tear soon turned into a waterfall. Y/n cried so much that night. It hurt, it really did.

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< With Emma >

"Is everything alright, Emma? I heard crying and some shouts?" Mikey asked at the door way looking worried. Emma wiped away her tears and then faked a smile while she faked a laugh, "Yeah everything's fine, I was just watching a really sad movie, sorry if I bothered you!" Mikey laughed at his sisters answer and shook his head while saying 'it's all good, go to bed now.'

She wanted to ask her brother to stay and hold her while telling her what is happening to Y/n but she sealed her mouth shut, keeping the promise. How could she deal with such news by herself?

The door closed and Emma once again cried so much with a hand clasped on her mouth to keep her quiet.

"Why Y/n?.. Just why?" Emma asked while punching the pillow and crying even more. It hurt her the most. Never has she been hurt this much in her life time. She wanted to scream and ask for help but she couldn't. She wanted her friends and brothers to hug her and tell her everything's fine.

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< back with Y/n >

Never in her life did she cry this much. The longest she cried before was probably the incident with her ex and some girl.

Y/n had re-searched about other universes and she found many many things. She even found out how to send them all back, so she printed all of it and even wrote a shorter version so that they could all understand easily of how to go back to their home.

She was able to reach Ken Wakui and ask for help. He helped her without hesitation and even wrote her a letter of how to send them back.

But when is she going to end her life? Not to night of course, she wanted to spend more time with them before ending the pain. So at 4 A.M Y/n drove back home with tears running down her face. She needed to calm down and wipe away those tears before she came home.

When she arrived she looked normal but she did look tired. As she entered the house it was dark except the kitchen. It looked like somebody was there.

Y/n walked to the kitchen and saw Baji, Kazutora and Chifuyu munching on some Peyoung Yakisoba. The three snapped their head upwards when they heard chuckling and heels clicking on the cold floor.

"Oh Y/n, you're back! At 4 A.M ?!" Bajis voice boomed in the house and Y/n pressed a single finger on her lips to indicate to keep quiet. Baji let out a small sorry and looked down. "It's okay Baji, anyhow, yeah I had some extra work that took sooo long! But hey I'm back~" The three shook their head and grunted. They didn't like Y/n working so long and barely getting any sleep.

"I don't like your job..." Kazutora grunted with a roll of his eyes as food was still in his mouth, "I don't like it too but it helps!" Y/n grinned and sat on one of the tools while looking at the three eating, Chifuyu stayed quiet while observing Y/n.

"Were you crying?" The question caught Y/n off guard and it made the others look up from their food while freezing on their spot and stared at Y/n with wide worried eyes. Y/n immediately shook her head and laughed nervously, "No, no, it looks like I am because, well, I became very tired and I slept but I splashed water on my face so yeah." The two nodded their head and let out a sigh but Chifuyu stared at her in suspicion. He felt worried.

"Chifuyu I swear!" Y/n ruffled up his already messy hair while chuckling. Her touch made him a blushing mess which made the others scoff and look at Y/n with a, 'what about me?' look. Y/n laughed and ruffled their hairs too.

"Alright, well I'll be heading to bed now boys, sleep soon! Good night." The three nodded and hummed while also saying good night to the girl they love.

"I'm worried about her..."

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