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Marinette's POV

"All right class, remember! After school everyone is required to go help make decorations and set up everything for the dance!" Mrs. Bustier reminds us, and I groan. I desperately wish it wasn't part of our participation grade, and I knew Damian felt the same way.

Lila stands up in her seat, "We'll be making the decorations and setting them up in the gym."

Sabrina asked, "I thought we were doing it at the Louvre?"

Adrien saltily added, "Yeah, I thought my Father arranged everything."

Lila dramatically gasps and informs us, "I forgot to tel you! We were going to do it at the Louvre, but Prince Ali is holding a fundraiser for the children's hospital, so I thought it would be better if we gave it to them instead."

I rolled my eyes as the whole class swooned over Lila.

"You're such a good person!" Rose congratulated Lila. Lila smiles and sits down in her seat, knowing she has complete and utter control of her classroom.

"Adri-kins, are you coming?" Lila asks, as she bats her eyelashes several times as her way of flirting.

Adrien's hands tighten on his backpack, but he says politely, "Sorry, I have a fashion show with my Father."

"Why wasn't I invited? I model for the Agreste brand as well." Lila accuses him.

Adrien sighs out of frustration, "It's a private event. And as class president, you need to supervise everything before the dance."

Lila considers this for a moment, "You're right Adrien.

We all hustle to the gymnasium, although, Chloe, Damian and I stick near the back of the group.

Lila appointed herself to paint the banners for the entrance. Lila then instantly begins to tell everyone what they should do to help for the Winter Ball.

Finally, she gets to me, Damian, and Chloe. "Damian, you can go help Kim and Ivan bring in the trees from the back."

Damian looks at me, and I give him a nod, assuring him that I would be okay. Wordlessly, he follows the other two boys to help.

The lie's sinister smile returns, "Chloe, you can help Alya and Sabrina make the garlands."

Chloe throws a dirty look, but ultimately, she listens to Lila. She doesn't want to make a scene, especially when she knows Lila will find some way to twist her words and actions.

"Marinette, can you go behind the stage and find the extra paintbrushes? I would, but my arthritis is acting up," Lila says, holding her own shaky hands.

"Of course," I say through gritted teeth.

I step onto the stairs of the set up stage, heading towards the back.

"No, they're on the other side!" Lila yells at me from across the room.

I roll my eyes, as I cross the stage to get to the other side. I hear something click, and I immediately look, down to my feet.

Something was off about this.

I look up, but it's too late. A liquid is poured all over me, and somehow, even with my closed eyes, I know it is bright red.

I want to cry as laughter erupts through out the gymnasium. I don't try to brush off the paint, I just stand in place at loss. My eyes refused to open, as I was pretending like my worst nightmare wasn't happening in front of my entire class.

Footsteps rush over to me, and I can tell that it's Chloe.

The door from outside opens, and it's the three boys bringing in the Christmas trees for the decorations. Damian immediately drops his side, causing Kim and Ivan to fall over, as he rushes to me.

Alya finishes laughing, and then groans, "We're going to have to clean up the paint that Marinette spilled. She's so clumsy."

Damian stands in front of me with his hands fisted, and arms flexed. His eyes travel to Alya, who immediately shuts up under his gaze. He then looks at Lila, who pretends to look horrified for my sake.

She finally giggles, "Oops, that's where the red paint went." Lila says, twirling the paintbrush in her hand.

"It was staged," Damian said, practically seething.

Chloe turns to him, and sarcastically says, "Well aren't you the world's greatest detective?"

Damian glares at her this time, while Chloe lets it roll off her as she focuses her attention on me.

"Let's get out of here," I tell them, as tears stream down my face, mixing with the paint. I have to get in control of my emotions, before an akuma comes.

They usher me out of the gym, and take me home. I'm so lucky that my parents are out grocery shopping for the bakery, just so I don't have to explain what happened to them.

Chloe helps me wipe away the paint in my face with some wet paper towels, but there's not much she can do. Chloe pulls out her phone and texts Adrien what happened, and I know we'll end up talking about it at patrol tonight.

Damian stands guard, as if he expects someone to come in and attack us. He notices me staring at him, so he asks, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Sue Lila." Chloe answers for me.

I whisper to her, "Chloe, stop it."

Damian eyes turn to slits, but for once, he's not glaring. Instead, he looks deep in thoughts. "I have to go, I have a few calls to make. If anything happens, text me."

Damian leaves my house, leaving it empty to me and Chloe.

I turn to her, "Why do you treat him like that?"

She sighs, "Marinette. It's obvious. You like him."

"What? No—"

"Don't lie to me." She pauses, "I just don't want you to get your heart broken."

I reason with her, "Ladybug doesn't have time for a relationship."

Her eyes get sadder when she asks, "Is that what you told Luka?"

This time, it's my turn to get angry at her. I grab more of the paper towels, tugging at my skin, just wishing I would feel clean. "This isn't about him, or any other boy." I mutter.

"I know. But you deserve better. You should have a life of your own, beyond school and beyond being a hero," Chloe explains.

"With Hawkmoth, that'll be impossible." I state the obvious.

Chloe immediately emphasizes, "We'll defeat him. Soon." After a deep breath, she reveals, "I applied to New York for college."


"If I don't dream for a better future Marinette, Hawkmoth wins. I can't let him take another thing away from me." Chloe says, although she sounds defeated.

The paint on my skin has dried, and luckily, it looks like it won't stain it. I assure Chloe, "We will defeat him, and Mayura, and return the Miraculous back to where it belongs."


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