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Marinette's POV

Something was bothering Damian. I could tell, but he obviously didn't want to talk about it. It was like he had reverted back into the person he was when I first met him in Paris. He was nicer to me, but it was like he had shut down. He was twice as paranoid, but maybe having me kidnapped put him on a permanent edge.

On the other hand, his brothers were more confident and smug than usual. Even the smallest of comments they made, caused Damian to snap at them.

It was weird. I knew that there was tensions among the four of them, but it seemed to get worse overnight.

I had problems of my own. I was exhausted with the amount of homework and tests that the University handed out. It was quite the opposite of high school, because at least in Gotham I was getting challenged. And I was planning on double majoring, which meant I had twice the usual work.

On top of that, I had to continue orders with MDC. There were so many people trying to find out my identity, and I couldn't falter or suspicions would arise that I was in school.

I was working so hard to make everything work out in my life.

The nice part with having almost half a dozen superheroes underneath one roof was that patrol was flexible. I only had to go every other night, except on the weekends. Weekends never belonged to us, it was double time. Most villains had their attacks when the city had its guard down, hence high priority targets, or weekends.

It was a breath of relief, to be honest.

Which is why I was grateful that Damian was on patrol, and I wasn't. I loved being around him, but I needed to figure out what was going on.

So I went to the brother he was the closest to: Dick.

I found him in the living room, lounging on one of the couches. "Dick! What's up?" I asked him, slightly surprising him.

"Mari! What are you doing here? I thought Damian was on patrol tonight." He said.

"He is, but I promised I'd be back here when he got back. And I have a couple of questions to ask you."

He sat up, "Sure. Fire away."

I was straight up with him, "Is Damian okay? He seems... different than usual."

"Normal? I don't think any of us qualify under that word anymore. Honestly, when he started seeing you, he wasn't himself anymore. I think that right now, he's more like he was before you."

I say dumbly, "Oh."

"Not that it's a bad thing!" He quickly corrected himself. "Damian has always had a hard time expressing himself and interacting with others. He always bears his burdens alone, unless he is forced to open up. You've made him different—in a good way. I think he's conflicted if anything. With his past, sometimes it's hard for him to grapple who he is now, and all the progress he's made."

"I can understand that. Thanks, Dick. You know how much he cares for you, even if he refuses to admit it."

"He's my brother. He can be annoying, and we tease him, but we still love each other." Dick says. His eyes become glazed over, like he's trying to remember something. Suddenly, his phone rings, and moves to pick it up.

"Sorry, Marinette. Let me take this really quick." He apologizes. "Hey Tim... she's coming back? That's good... yeah I'll be at the Cave. Why aren't you being there? Let me guess, emergency in New York... okay, bye!"

"Who's coming back?" I ask him.

Dick answers me, "Stephanie's coming back to the cave tonight. We'll finish this conversation later."

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