"𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘥"

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Though Yangyang only said he was just bringing her snacks, the second she opened the door and dragged her out of her dorm. Eunjin was confused as to why he was taking her away, she kept her eyes on the back of his head, but heard him laugh.

Yangyang was planning on taking her to his dad's house, it wasn't that far away and she was on the way. Eunjin stood at the front door with him, waiting for it to open while she looked at him all confused as he told her not to worry about anything.

"My dad's place, don't worry they'll like you."

"Yangyang?! I thought we were just staying at my dorm—"

"Oh! Yangyang's here!" the door opened to an older man, one who looked like the exact image of his son. "And you must be Eunjin! He told us he was bringing you, I hope you didn't mind!" his father brought her into a warm hug, making her worries slowly fade away.

"I'm Zhyuan, his father." he said, greeting her nicely as Eunjin smiled. "It's nice to meet you, I hope i'm not intruding on anything." Eunjin said, watching him shake his head. "You're all good! Trust me!"

She then looked back at Yangyang for confirmation that everything was okay. He gave her a small nod before taking her into the house as his father followed after them. "Is Suyin here?" Yangyang said, referring to his older sister. "She's in her room studying for her exams! I told her she's already so smart to study, but you know how she is."

Eunjin let out a small chuckle at Zhyuan's words, looking around the homey home as a faint smile reached her lips. She never realized how different the house she grew up in was different than the others beside her. "She should keep studying! Maybe she'll learn some communication skills!" Yangyang said loud enough for his sister to hear as her door room opened as quick as light.

"Huh?! Are you saying my talking is bad?! Let's not start Yang—" Suyin immediately stopped once she saw the unknown girl beside her younger brother. "You're so pretty!" Suyin said, taking hold of Eunjin's hands while she froze at the sudden compliment. "No! You are so pretty! I love your hair!" Eunjin said.

"No, you are—"

"Okay..Suyin we know you're the ugly one.." Yangyang mumbled, earning a smack from his sibling while their father laughed at them with no intention of stopping them. "Me?! You're the ugly one Yangyang!" Suyin pulled Eunjin away from him. "What are you doing? Why are you robbing my friend away from me?!"

"Uhh..she's my friend now? Now shoo!"

Eunjin couldn't stop laughing from the siblings bickering, Suyin's arms wrapped around her, holding her tight so that Yangyang won't take her away. "I literally met her first?!" he started to glare at Suyin while she squinted her eyes before looking at Eunjin then to Yangyang. "Are you two dating?"

"What? No! We're just friends Suyin."

Zhyuan only shook his head at his son. "What's your favorite color?" Suyin said to Eunjin, the girl suddenly became confused at the random asked question. "Green..?" she answered as Suyin nodded her head. "His is red." she pointed over to Yangyang. The two didn't know where she was going with it, but Zhyuan did.

"Complementary colors. They're exact opposites on the color wheel, for example, green and red. They're an odd combination, but they work out great."

"..Great colors have soulmates..?" Yangyang said as Suyin rolled her eyes. "Like mom and dad! Dad likes purple and mom likes yellow!" Suyin continued to say, confusing Yangyang and Eunjin even more. "When's your birthday?"

"April 22.."

"See! They match!"

"Suyin..go back to studying something worth your education. Clearly you're failing."

𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗌 • 𝘯𝘤𝘵Where stories live. Discover now