Chapter 29

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Tails showed them the location where they took Sonic and they followed him until they made it to a large abandoned garage in the woods which creeped Cream and Amy out.

"A-Are you r-really sure this is the p-place, Tails?" Cream asked in fear while hiding behind Blaze.

"Yeah, let's go inside." Tails said seriously.

They approached the door cautiously and discovered that it was locked. Knuckles gestured for them to step aside as he reared his fist back before punching the door off its hinges and making a loud crashing sound as the meta door was sent flying. They quietly stepped in and their eyes widened. Right in front of them was Sonic but he was still tied up.

"Oh my Chaos! Is that Sonic?!" Amy gasped in shock.

Someone came out from the shadows and a person who looked completely like Shadow walked out from the shadows as he smirked at them. He approached Sonic as the group were all shocked to see someone other than Mephiles who looked like him.

Shadow quickly snapped out of his shock as he clenched his fist. So this copycat was the reason Sonic is here.

"Who the hell are you?!" Shadow yelled in anger.

The double didn't answer as he untied Sonic and carried him in his arms while keeping that smirk before disappearing. A single paper fell to the ground and Mephiles grabbed it and read it before looking at the others.

"Guys, it says that we have to go to school." Mephiles said.

"Is he seriously going to try and fight you at school? You two are gonna destroy it if you do." Blaze said as she looked at Shadow who was clenching his hands.

"I know but I have to save Sonic." Shadow said as they agreed.

They decided to go to school and hoped that Sonic was there in one piece. Sure he got bruises and cuts but they hope that he won't be even more hurt than that. They made it in front of the locked gate of the school.

"It's locked. Are we really supposed to go inside?" Amy asked as they might be breaking a rule and law of the school.

"I don't know. All that's written on the paper was to go to school." Mephiles said as Silver held his hand.

Shadow couldn't take it anymore. He growled in frustration and without a running start, he jumped over the gate and landed on the other side. That really surprised everyone, even impressed them.

"If you guys wanna stay out here, it's fine. I'll go in alone." Shadow said.

As he was about to walk away, his hand was pulled back and made him stop. He turned around to see Mephiles coming from the ground from his shadow form and materialized in front of him with a serious look.

"No. We're still coming with you." He said.

"How are you guys gonna-" Shadow started to ask only to get cut off.

Silver smiled and used his powers on the others and carried them all to the other side of the gate. Shadow was speechless and mentally hit himself that he completely forgot about Silver's powers before he cleared his throat.

"Right. But please. Be careful, all of you." Shadow said as they nodded.

They walked around the school and searched near the trees and bushes but there was no sign or clue of the clone. They finally looked around the field at the back of the school where they found it.

Standing in the middle of the field was Shadow's clone and it was still holding an unconscious Sonic in his arms. Shadow and the others were a bit away from the clone as it just stared at them with that smirk as Shadow growled.

"I need you guys to stay behind me." Shadow told them as they nodded.

Shadow walked to the middle of the field and approached his clone as it kept smirking and placing Sonic down gently on the ground just as Shadow was finally in front of him. Just by seeing the clone from up close was like looking through a mirror. If it had a different stripe color like Mephiles, then it wouldn't be confusing.

"Are you Bryan?" Shadow asked firmly.

The clone shook his head and pointed to the tree. Shadow looked at the tree and saw someone coming out from behind it and when he came out fully made Shadow's blood boil heatedly. Look who the cat dragged in.

"Look who finally showed up." Bryan chuckled sadistically.

"Bryan, give me Sonic back and I won't hurt you." Shadow growled as Bryan feigned confusion but had a smirk.

"Which Sonic? The one that's alive or the one that's dead?" He asked sarcastically with an evil smirk as he pointed

Shadow turned his head to look at what Bryan was pointing at and became shocked. He was shocked to see his clone suddenly changing into a perfect replica of Sonic who ran towards him and hugged him.

"Shadow!" He said happily.

Shadow was really shocked that he can't even move his body and the others could see that he was literally paralyzed.

"Shadow! Snap out of it! The real Sonic is right there on the ground!" Knuckles yelled hoping to snap him out of it.

"Shadow, I love you so much." 'Sonic' purred happily as he kept hugging Shadow tightly.

"Shadow, come on! Snap out of it!" Tails yelled in worry.

"I'm here now, Shadow. Don't worry about me anymore." 'Sonic' said as he looked up at Shadow.

The others at the back were all panicking cause it looks like Shadow can't hear them.

"That's it!"

Having enough of this, Mephiles ran towards Shadow and gave a swift kick to 'Sonic' and sent him flying. Shadow gasped and was about to go after the clone only for Mephiles to hold him back.

"Shadow, that's not Sonic! He is!" Mephiles yelled as he pointed to the real Sonic on the ground.

Shadow put his hand on his head and tried to steady his breathing. He was still confused and shocked when he saw Mephiles kicking the clone away.


The big fight is about to start in the next chapter.

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