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A/N: Though I don't think the events in this chapter constitute a full trigger warning, some bits may be uncomfortable to read. Please don't worry too much though, I promise nobody gets hurt.

Shouto nearly skipped out of the classroom the moment the final bell rang. He offered no goodbye to Katsuki, who had baseball practice after school. Their fight was too fresh for reconciliation. They'd make up eventually, Shouto knew that, but his current priorities centered around a different boy.

Hitoshi beamed when they met up on UA's front lawn. His indigo waves danced in the summer breeze, his TV show heartthrob looks leveling up to those of the subject of a high-class painting. Shouto wondered if Hitoshi was aware of how good looking he was, though he guessed not since Hitoshi often insisted that out of the two of them, Shouto was more attractive. So not only was Hitoshi incredibly modest, he was also a liar.


Shouto stared eagerly at the cupcake container in Hitoshi's hold. "Can I have one for the road?"

Hitoshi hugged the container to his stomach. "Nope. They're specifically for when we get to your house. Be patient."

A small pout formed on Shouto's face, the boy slumping his shoulders as he dragged his feet along the cement pathway toward UA's front gates. "Fine."

"Good boy."

Hitoshi's remark didn't carry a suggestive tone, but it jolted Shouto back to the present. Or, more specifically, the future. His frown twisted into a tiny smile, his posture straightening.

The condom Katsuki gave Shouto taunted him from his front pocket. He wondered how people carried these around like it was no big deal. Safe sex was better than unsafe, but what happened if somebody was caught with one? Shouto would sink into his own shadow if it slipped out of his pocket.

During his afternoon classes, he planned everything out. They'd arrive at his house, Shouto would give Hitoshi a brief tour, he'd scarf down the cupcakes Hitoshi teased him with all day, then he'd bring Hitoshi into his bedroom. From there, things would progress how they're meant to.

When they reached his house, Shouto cupped his hand around Hitoshi's and led him up the front steps. This was really happening. He was nervous, naturally, but also excited. They shared a quick peck, Shouto then blushing like an idiot while Hitoshi smirked at him.

They weren't official yet, but there was no debate as to how they felt. They were committed to each other, their crushes intensifying by the day. The only reason they hadn't become a couple yet was because Hitoshi respected Shouto's desire to take things slow. But Shouto was ready to speed things up.

If today went as well as Shouto anticipated, perhaps he'd gain enough confidence to tell Hitoshi he wanted to make their relationship official. He could have his first boyfriend by the end of the night.

With such a promising future on the line, Shouto was desperate to start now.

He dropped Hitoshi's hand just to twist his house key into the lock. When it clicked open, he slipped the key back in his pocket and took Hitoshi's hand again.

Only to immediately retract it when he took his first step inside.

"Hi, sweetie!"

There was Rei on their living room couch. She set her self-help book on the end table and smiled at her son. Kori jumped off the couch to greet Shouto, marking his jeans with shedded strands of silky white hair as she slithered along his legs. Soba, bless her heart, cuddled her miniature stuffed rabbit as she slept in the middle of the floor.

This all would've been fine on any other day. But as Shouto stood in the doorway with his almost-boyfriend, staring at his mother who still didn't know he was gay, this was a disaster.

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