Idols and Opportunities

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As Katsuki's teammates dogpiled him on the pitcher's mound, he wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.

For the second year in a row, the Heroes were national champions. Katsuki finished throwing the final strike. The game was frighteningly close the entire time, but they pulled through. Plus they defeated Shiketsu again. Katsuki matured over the years, but a pettiness buried in his heart danced to the surface.

The UA crowd went wild. Students, teachers, parents, it was the sort of turnout one would expect at a professional league game. Even at the bottom of a mountain of celebrating players, Katsuki soaked in the applause.

Once he was freed, the tears came. Maybe it was the extra tight hug from Keigo that prompted it, but Katsuki wasn't ready to accept that this was the last time he'd play in a Heroes uniform. It hadn't been a smooth four years, but this team was his family. Saying goodbye to all of it, even on a high note, was gut-wrenching.

And Eijiro. When Katsuki and Eijiro embraced for the second time, they cried into each other's shoulders. For as long as Katsuki played baseball, Eijiro was right there with him. Best friends since day one with no end in sight.

But Eijiro already committed to play baseball at BMI University in Esuha City. They were specifically recruiting for catchers, so Katsuki didn't receive an offer himself. Which was fine, as he'd been in contact with dozens of college scouts since last year. But that meant he only had six months left before he and Eijiro went their separate ways. For that, he took longer than usual to let go.

He'd miss all of his teammates. Even Neito, strangely enough. They still hadn't rekindled a friendship, but Neito brought a sense of familiarity to Katsuki's life. A lot of these guys he'd known since kindergarten. In less than a year, he'd be off on his own, cultivating a new path, leaving most of these people behind him. Katsuki wasn't excited or sad. He just felt empty.

Those looming thoughts were put on the back-burner as he brushed through interviews with reporters, and even a press conference. Thankfully Eijiro and Keigo were with him for the press conference questions. They were more suited for that stuff. Even with their assistance, Katsuki was exhausted by the time it was over.

"That was torture," he said to Eijiro on their way back to the locker room.

Eijiro slapped a hand on Katsuki's back. "You held your own."


Eijiro smiled. "Hey, it's good practice for the future. Once you go pro, you'll be having interviews like that almost every day!"

Katsuki snorted. He removed his cap to brush his fingers through damp hair. "Whatever. I just wanna see my boyfriend. They pulled us away before I could even hug him."

"Same. I should text Mina and see where she's at."

"Or you could just turn around," someone called from behind them.

Following the voice, Katsuki's eyes gleamed upon realizing Mina and Shouto were standing at the end of the hallway, both sporting huge grins. Eijiro was already sprinting to greet Mina by the time it registered. Katsuki took a few short steps, but Shouto charged at him with full speed and jumped into a hug.


Shouto wrapped his legs around Katsuki's waist and his arms around Katsuki's neck. When their lips met, Katsuki didn't care that he hadn't showered yet. He was a tired, sweaty mess, but the boy of his dreams, a gift way better than a first place championship trophy, was in his hold. All it took was a single kiss for Katsuki to be rejuvenated. If he wanted to, he could run a full marathon right now.

"I. Love. You," Shouto said between light flirty kisses. "So much."

Katsuki smiled against his mouth. "Tell me something I don't know."

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