𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚.

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"I wanted something for you to look at, and it would remind you of me when I am not there,"

"It is like nothing has changed since the last time I was here," Viserra thought aloud as she stared out of the window once the horses came to a halt at the gates.

"Does it still feel like home?" Aemond questioned. Viserra felt the air in the carriage grow thicker as Aegon and Helaena waited for her response as well.

"Of course, it does," she answered with a small smile. "I have all of you here with me to make it home."

Helaena shyly gave a smile back and tilted her head to the side, "Did you ever miss being here while you were in Dragonstone?" though it seemed like she was looking for confirmation more than anything. Helaena could sense and feel the sorrow that came from Viserra whenever she was with her family or when they were mentioned. 

"All the time," Viserra answered in a soft voice.

Dragonstone was beautiful, but it was lonely for Viserra. Her mother barely paid any attention to her except when it was necessary, her father was her closest friend and even he was sometimes too busy attending to other things, for her brothers seemed to steer clear away from Viserra whenever she was around them. She was alone in a castle filled with her so-called family, the servants, cooks, guards, and maids.

At King's Landing, she would be surrounded by people that actually would want to spend time with her. She would be able to be close to her grandfather even in his weakened state, and Alicent would be there to guide her in being a lady. Not to mention that she would also have Aegon by her side here. That meant more than anything to her.

"Well, you are back now," Aegon took a hold of Viserra's hand and helped her out of the carriage.

"Viserra, dear, was the ride here alright?" Alicent approached her children and Viserra with Ser Criston Cole trailing behind her.

"Yes, it went well," Viserra responded.

"Aegon, why don't you show her back to her chambers and help her get settled as the guards bring her belongings," Alicent suggested knowing they would already go off on their own.

"It would my pleasure," Aegon smirked and placed his hand on Viserra's lower back, and led her inside.

"No sneaking cups, Aegon!" Alicent called after him.

"Wouldn't dream of it, mother!" he replied back turning his head to look back at her.


"I made sure that no one was to touch anything in your chamber while you were away," Aegon told her proudly, "Well except for coming in to clean but nothing was removed. Everything should be where you placed it last," he finished.

"Thank you, Aegon," Viserra looked around and sure enough just as Aegon said it was exactly how you left it but not a hint of dust was on anything. 

Everything that you were not able to take to Dragonstone was still there. That included the beloved books that your father gifted to you mixed with ones that Viserys gave you written in Old Valriyan, jewels that were still placed on your vanity, and candles that remained unlit by the table next to your bed. 

She walked towards her vanity and looked at a small wooden box that was not there sitting right on top of the table. She picked it up with curiosity while turning back around to Aegon to show him. Only to find him with one of the signature smirks.

"Open it," he told her.

Viserra cautiously opened the box to find a small ring that held an emerald-cut aquamarine gemstone and each side of it had 4 smaller diamonds surrounding it. She picked it out of the box and admired it in silence. Aegon watched her carefully wanting to see her reaction, but as the silence grew so did Aegon's worry.

"If you do not love it, I can always have something else made in return," Aegon blurted out as his anxiousness got to him.

"Aegon, I love it."

He let out a sigh of relief after hearing her words, "Oh... that's wonderful!"

"Thank you, my love."

"I wanted something for you to look at, and it would remind you of me when I am not there," Aegon admitted to her.

Aegon raised his hand to show Viserra a signet ring on his pointer finger that held a small aquamarine stone in the center as well. He walked closer to her as she took his hand in hers to take a look up close.

"It's also a Velaryon gemstone," she whispered looking up into Aegon's eyes. He took the ring out of her hand and pinched it between his forefingers.

"I know. I had it made some time ago and wrote to your father asking what he thought you would like most in a ring. Viserra, I want to promise you that I will become the man you deserve most. Not only for the kingdom sake's but for our future someday. Your father trusted me enough to take care of you, but I will cherish you till the end of my days." Aegon slipped the ring onto her right hand's ring finger. He pulled her hand to give a kiss on her knuckles as he watched her blush profusely.

"Aegon, I-" she wanted to say a million words but none came to mind while she thought about her future with him. "You will always be more than enough for me."

That's all Aegon ever wanted to hear from anyone. That he was enough. His eyes filled with tears threatening to fall as he pulled Viserra into his arms placing his cheek on the top of her head due to her short height. Aegon never would have believed someone to say those words to him.

His mother would always prefer Aemond's willfulness to duty and Helaena's presence over his. His grandfather, Otto, only ever cared about getting his blood to sit on the throne. Though Viserys would have never given the title of being heir to the Iron Throne to him, Aegon knew that fully well, but he understood the role he would be placed in once Viserra would be crowned. Aegon knew he would not continue wasting his days away in cups when Viserra was there by his side.

"You make me the best version of myself," Aegon whispered to her as he kissed the top of her head when he felt a single tear slip out of his eyes. 

 ⌜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬!⌟

upcoming exams are already kicking my ass but i'm trying to get something out to you guys!

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