Who Is She?

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(Turner's POV)

''Medic! I need a medic!'' All medics are busy attending to wounded soldiers but with the rank of an officer I don't have to wait long and at once a medic comes to me. ''Please, help her. She's seriously wounded.''

The man, however, hesitates to help as he skeptically looks at (Y/N). ''Sir, I can't...''

''What? Why?''

''My task is to treat soldiers, not civilians. She should be taken to a local hospital.''

''The nearest hospital is many miles away! She won't make it there in time!''

''Sorry, sir. If it was a soldier or someone of high importance, I'd help immediately.''

I open my mouth to argue but nothing reasonable comes to my mind. Then Daniels barges through the crowd and shouts: ''She is Turner's wife!''

''What?'' I look back at Daniels, totally taken aback by his genius lie.

''It counts, doesn't it?''

''In this case I can make an exception, but we have to take her to the tent.'' The medic quickly stops the bleeding and next with (Y/N) in my arms we head to my tent. I lay her down on my cot and when I'm about to leave I hear the man saying: "You can stay here, sir. I'll need your assistance." I reluctantly take a seat next to him. ''Can you take off her shirt?''

With a loud sigh I start to unbutton her shirt. I want to tell Daniels a piece of my mind right now but I know that thanks to him we can save (Y/N). When I'm struggling to remove that shirt without looking at (Y/N), a photo slips out of her pocket. I pick it up and frown when I realize it's (Y/N) wearing a uniform. Judging by the cap she's wearing, I can tell that she is a high-ranking officer. But how is it possible?

''How is the interrogation going?''

The sudden arrival of Pierson has startled me. ''Can't you say something before coming?''

''You sound like you own the tent.''

''Because it is mine.''

"Lieutenant Turner?'' The medic has finally finished his job. ''Your wife will get better soon. She just needs to rest and please make sure she gets good nutrition. I noticed that she is on the verge of dehydration. How could you let it happen to her?''

''I, I didn't know. I haven't seen her for, uh, a long time.''

''And most importantly, if you want her to recover faster, you two can't have sex for at least two weeks."

I clear my throat nervously, hearing Pierson snickering behind my back. "Oh, you don't have to worry about it." Once the medic leaves, I turn to Pierson and show him the photo. ''See? She's not working for krauts.''

Pierson rips it out of my hands and narrows his eyes in confusion. ''Isn't it an officer uniform?''

''Yes, it is. Now we're sure she's not an average civilian.'' - I say, looking thoughtfully at (Y/N).

''Why does a girl wear a male uniform? It doesn't make any sense.'' Pierson grabs (Y/N)'s bag and starts searching it.

''What the heck are you doing?''

''Looking for clues.''

''You can't take a woman's purse just like this!'' With force I take it from his hands. ''Have some manners!''

''Then why don't YOU check the bag of YOUR WIFE, huh?''

I hiss under my nose and open the bag. ''What are those? A lipstick?'' I take out one thing after another, curiously examining each one. ''There's nothing suspicious. Only cosmetics and whatever the rest is.'' I put it back on the desk and come over to unconscious (Y/N). ''We must find out who she is. Pierson, go inform Davis about our guest.''


(Your POV)

I slowly open my eyes, not sure how long I've been in this state but I can tell it's already night. In the dim light of the kerosene lamp I can see a familiar silhouette sitting on the chair next to my cot. It's Turner sleeping soundly with his arms crossed. Seems like he's been guarding me all this time. The moment I try to get up I feel a sudden sharp strike of pain in my arm. It's already bandaged but it will probably take some weeks to heal properly. Anyway, I have to thank Turner for his hospitality so I take out from my bag a metal box with some pieces of the chocolate cake I've made myself and carefully I tuck it behind his jacket. It's not the best way to say goodbye but as the right hand of the leader of the French Resistance I'm not allowed to hang out with officers or else we could be accused of trading information for personal profits. I peer through the gap between the flaps of the tent to make sure no one is coming and before I take a leave, I glance for one time at Turner. ''See you later, lieutenant Turner.''


(Turner's POV)

I wake up at daybreak, feeling a cool wind coming from outside. I didn't have a good sleep on this uncomfortable chair and I think I'm gonna have blisters on my butt. ''(Y/N)?'' - I ask loudly, looking around in panic after realizing that she's not here. I stand up abruptly and from my jacket falls a silver box. It must've been (Y/N) who left it. But where did she go? She's not fully recovered yet.

''Turner?'' To my tent comes in a hurry Pierson and he also frowns at the sight of the empty cot. ''Where is she?''

''I'd like to know it too.''

''Damn it!'' In anger Pierson kicks the desk.

''Take some boys with you and go find her. She couldn't go too far in that state.''

''Sir!'' Stiles comes inside the tent and points his thumb behind himself. ''There's someone to see you.''

''What is going on here?'' In front of my tent is a cart full of hay and next to it stands an old man caressing the horse's neck.

''Mister Turner, right?'' - asks the villager, taking off his hat all covered in dust. ''Miss (Y/N) asked me to send her friend a gift.''

I exchange a confused look with Pierson but before I could ask about (Y/N), the man moves the hay aside to uncover six crates. I nod at Aiello to check it out and he walks over there to open one. ''Lieutenant, you have to see it.'' It has turned out that those crates are full of ammunition.

Staring in disbelief at this quite unique gift, I whisper: ''(Y/N), who the hell are you?''

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now