Road To Marigny - part II

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''(Y/N)...'' Turner seems to be really tensed as he avoids looking into my eyes. ''About what happened earlier...'' He tilts his head forward when he places his hands on his belt and straddles like we're having a casual talk, though his face expression shows otherwise. ''I didn't mean to...''

''It's alright. Don't worry about it.'' - I try to cheer him up with a forced smile, turning that incident into a joke even if I don't feel like so.

''One more thing, (Y/N).'' - stops me Turner as if he doesn't want me to go yet. Something is troubling him but I can't tell what. ''I know that you're used to work on your own but since you're in my team you have to acknowledge the fact I'm the commander here. I don't want you to go into action without informing me first.''

''So Pierson can empty bottles of wine from someone's cellar but I have to report to you about every step I take?'' I cross my arms, feeling a bit irritated.

''Pierson what?'' At first, Turner narrows his eyes in confusion but then he shakes his head and says now more confidently: ''Listen, (Y/N). I don't care what Pierson is doing behind my back but I care about your well-being. Not because you're my ally but someone special to me. (Y/N), I...''

''Sir!'' - shouts Perez, giving me a little scare. ''Time to move out!''

Turner gives him a short nod and turns back to me. ''I will be leading the main assault but I want you to stay with Perez.''

''Why?'' I frown, clearly disapointed. ''Didn't you want me to stay by your side?''

''Yes but the next task might be too dangerous for you.''

''With all respect, sir, but this mission is nothing in comparison with what I already went through. Was your hometown bombarded almost every night? Because my was and unlike you I hadn't been trained for war. Yes, I'm already tired of this war but I must continue fighting...'' I smile bitterly at the thought of my past, but the fact I was alone during those hard times hurts the most.

''I can tell that you've been through a lot and I'm proud of you. One day you will be proud as well of how you overcame your struggles. Now that I'm here with you, I'll try my best to keep you safe.'' Turner gently pats my shoulder to encourage me. ''We'll meet later.'' He then smiles warmly and goes ahead. A bit sad, I move on slowly. 

''Hey, miss!'' I look back at Perez leaning out of the scuttle. He moves his goggles up on his forehead and asks joyfully: ''You must be that adorable friend of Turner, miss (Y/N), right?''

''He told you about me?''

''Of course he had to tell me. I'm his childhood friend and almost like a brother to him. So, are you and Turner...''


''Okay, maybe in another way. What do you think of Turner?''

''Well, he's obviously a born leader with a fatherly attitude toward his men but...''

''But what?''

''He's so kind as for a soldier, don't you think so? It makes me wonder why such a nice man chose to be in the army.'' 

There's a moment of silence before Perez continues thoughtfully: ''Turner is quite a unique officer. His father fought in the WWI but was killed a few weeks before the war ended. That man was a hero to Turner and his main motivation in making his military career. He wanted to be like him, a hero the family can be proud of. You can't imagine how hard it was for Turner to become who he is now. Well, life was never easy on Turner.'' I hear then gunshots in a close distance. ''Oh, seems like the battle has started. And as usual, Turner is always first to step into a damn battle. Damn it, he's exactly where they're shelling now.''

''I think I need to go.'' Without hesitation I run in the way Turner left and soon I notice him ahead of tanks, leading his men into the fight. Luckily, he's alright. He doesn't see me because he is focused on his enemies in front of him. Too many of them are going in his way so I load my rifle and go to his side. When Turner gets down to reload his Thompson, I stand behind him and shoot at the oncoming enemy. ''Are we a team or not?'' - I ask a bit annoyed, glancing at shocked Turner, who is trying to pay attention to me while shooting each one Nazi soldier that dares to attack us. ''If we really are, then don't leave me behind no matter how difficult the mission is, commander.'' The last word is spoken with a bit of irony.

''(Y/N)!'' - shouts Turner after pulling me down next to him. We're so close that I can feel his warm breath. ''You-'' He pauses suddenly when he sets his eyes on my lips. ''Alright. I'll let you go with me but under one condition, you don't leave my side.''

''...Yes, sir.'' - I reply in a low but soft voice, not averting my eyes from him.

Turner clears his throat as his face turns light pink and shouts to others: ''Pierson with his team will be here soon! Don't fall back!'' Together we go into the woods to prevent the enemy from escaping, while Pierson's team is pushing from the other side. I thought the battle would last for hours but it actually took less than an hour and now we're waiting on a roadway for the rest of our team to come. ''Seems like we are first.'' Just as Turner says it, a few jeeps arrive and we go over to one of them. He then starts talking with the driver, probably exchanging the freshest war news, though he still keeps his eye on me. That's when Daniels comes to ask Turner something but he needs to wait with it because Davis has unexpectedly arrived. Instead of praising us for the job done so quickly, Davis asks us to go help Charlie's company. While listening to his new orders, I sigh tiredly and roll my eyes at Turner, who seems to understand my sign and tries to coax him into taking a short break but futilely. Surprisingly, Turner doesn't go with Pierson and when others leave, he cues me to get into the jeep without directly looking at me. He seems to be nervous about something so I don't say a word until we arrive in the town but far from our squad. ''Follow me.'' - he orders. Just as we enter a house, he says coldly: ''Pierson was right. It'll be better if you don't go with us anymore.''

''Wait, what?'' - I ask in pure shock, standing behind him. ''Are you angry at me? If I did something wrong just tell me.''

''You did nothing wrong. It's just I want you to be safe.'' - with that said he turns around to face me with a gentle look in his eyes. ''I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you again. I still didn't get over the day you risked your life for me.''

''Lieutenant...'' I slowly take some steps forward. ''You know that I'm not any ordinary civilian and you care so much about me, though I'm not even your soldier. Why?''

''Because I love you, (Y/N).''

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