Chapter- 19

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Sagarika's POV -

Two weeks went by so soon that anyone could barely comprehend them. Tanmay got married yesterday and we all had a blast. Currently, I was on my way to work. Today was the last day that I was going to the office before I started my leave for my own wedding which was starting tomorrow and now and I had mixed emotions. It was weird and confusing and emotional but mom and dad were glowing with happiness and that was the single biggest motivation I needed for anything.

Work was extremely boring. Desk job, 9 to 5. We were working on cracking into a nexus of terrorists working on anti-India agendas. It was all codes and images and stuff like that before I got back home.

" There you are. Piu go and freshen up. I'll get you something to eat and then your papa and I are going to the hotel where our guests have already started coming, alright?" She said and I nodded.

Naani, Maama and Maami were in the hotel taking care of things along with my dad's side of family.

" Should I come with you?" I offered.

" No. You rest now and start with your packing, whatever you need to take with you. Starting tomorrow, you will have no time to get anything done. Ask Dhwani to come and help you if she is free." She replied before vanishing inside the kitchen.

" Okiee." I walked up to my room and ran myself a bath before starting with anything else and dropped a text to Dhwani.

I freshened up and walked out to find a plate of oats kept on the side table. They must have left. I picked up my phone to see Dhwani's text who was on her way. I looked around my room, my fortress and my place.

" Why do I have to leave? I love my parents, my room and my home and everything that I have. Agasthya can shift to my place!" I whined, pulling a pillow into me and buried my head in it, closing my eyes for a bit and my mind went where it was constantly going for the past so many days, to Agasthya Singhania. The last time I saw him or talked to him was when he came here to take care of my injuries two weeks ago. Technically he was supposed to be at Tanmay and Malini's wedding but he had gone to Sydney for some conference. Uncle, aunty and Yashvi were there.

Before I could drift away any further, the doorbell brought me back to attention as I threw myself off the bed and walked out to open the door. It was Dhwani and Kunal.

" Why do you tag along everywhere she goes?" I asked my idiot best friend as they walked in.

" Because she is my wife who was coming to my best friend's place." He replied and dropped on the couch, switching the TV on.

" Get me some popcorn." He ordered me as he put on India vs Sri Lanka T20I. Virat was batting.

" I am not moving anywhere from here. Virat is batting." I announced, dropping next to him and the two of us then looked at Dhwani who rolled her eyes, making way inside the kitchen. She had zero interest in cricket unless it was India vs Pakistan.

" I thought I was here to help you pack, not make popcorn for the two of you." She called after us from the kitchen.

" I had totally forgotten that the series was starting today!" I defended myself.

" I am dragging you with me once India is done batting." She gave us the bowl of popcorn before she made herself comfortable next to me.

" Uh huh." I threw some in my mouth and passed the bowl to Kunal. Kohli had scored around 58 runs in 31 balls before he was given LBW out.


" Enough. Let's go." Dhwani pulled me up on my feet.

" Fine, let's go." I agreed but Kunal did not move an inch as the two of us looked at him.

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