Important (not a chap)

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Hello my readers, I'm sure you may be confused as to why this story has suddenly disappeared.

To answer your question, it's in my drafts at the current moment and I'm rewriting it to make it better.

Unfortunately, at the moment my chapter 1 pictures have all gone missing so if any of you remember maybe send it to me in my dashboard (think that's what it's called) cause that'd be really helpful.

I am trying to retrieve them by judging it based of the reactions and my memory but I'd still very much appreciate the help.

In the rewritten version,

  ☆My writing will probably be better and more paragraphs.

  ☆The reactions will be a bit more sensible or atleast not something bland like "Cool".

  ☆Yoo Joonghyuk's internal thoughts will have a bit more screen. time since I barely mentioned him in the chapters.

  ☆There will be use of  " and ' to express thoughts and all the talking.

And also reminder, there are three Ocs (they don't have a huge role in the plot or anything. N, the one who brought them to the place and 2 constellations I added for the sake of extra comedic reactions since the other constellations saying it will probably be OOC (which yes, the characters are acting ooc but still-)

So to sum it all up, y'all can maybe check out my other stories in the mean time considering this will take a while, and also not to be expect too many regular updates since my exams are coming up.

Thank you for your patience, bye!

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