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Driving in London was a nightmare.

They were already running late and were now stuck behind traffic - they should've taken the train because the stress off being stuck behind an old lady in a Toyota whilst trying to make it to Miles' house on time was antagonising. Olivia was stressed enough as it was.

For the past couple of months they had kept their relationship secret (Olivia had a suspicion that somehow Matt was aware of it from the subtle smile on his face at Alex's small gestures) which had proven difficult for both of them.

Holding hands under pub tables and stealing glances at each other from across the room, with a smile that only each other knew what it meant, was all coming to and end. After today they could be as affectionate as they pleased without worrying that someone might catch them.

Alex noticed how Olivia's leg was bouncing and how she bit her bottom lip so he absentmindedly asked, "Why is it that I'm always driving?" He hoped that he might be able to distract her - even for just a moment. He wasn't sure if it was running late that was making her stressed or if she was having second thoughts about telling everyone - either way he'd turn the car back around and cancel their plans if it would make her happy.

Alex had to resist smiling when he heard Olivia laugh, her leg stopped bouncing as she replied in a tease, "Because you're the only who wrote 'when the sunset gets behind that little lady sittin'-"

"Okay, okay, I get it." He quickly cut her off but sent her a smile to let her know that he liked her reference and wasn't annoyed by her poking fun at him for writing so many songs about her - which they had spoken about . . . A lot. Mainly it was Olivia teasing Alex - bringing up lyrics to watch as he turned shy as if he wasn't the one who wrote them.

"Much less picturesque without her catching the light." Olivia continued humming quietly, she was no longer trying to make fun of Alex but instead was just genuinely enjoying the song niwcthat she had gotten it stuck in her head.

"I can put it on if you want? I've still got the cd in here from when I listened to it when it first came out." He offered, his fingers already flicking through the small array of cd's in his door compartment.

"Pass it over." She told him. He handed her the cd and she open the case and placed the disc into the cd player - 'Do I wanna know?' beginning to play. She closed her eyes and lent her head against the head rest, Alex's singing relaxing her as she focused on his voice. "You should write more songs about me." She mumbled.

Alex chuckled not because he thought she was joking and found it funny but he found it humorous that she could ever think that he hadn't already began writing more songs about her - it wasn't like he could help it, every time he wrote there would always be a hint of Olivia mixed in with the metaphors. She was his muse and he didn't know how he found any inspiration before her.

"Trust me I never stopped.", he told her.

This caused Olivia's head to perk up with a gleeful smile - she wasn't quite sure if he was joking or not but she didn't care, she melted when she heard him say that, "I never knew you were still writing songs." She always saw him reaching for his notebook to quickly scribble stuff down or strum a short riff on his guitar but nothing that would suggest he was working on new music.

He shrugged, thankful that he had the excuse of having to keep his eyes on the road as he became bashful, "I'm constantly writing, never know when your gonna get something good." He told her trying to downplay his previous statement.

Olivia pouted, "Why do you never play any for me?" She always wanted to be the first person to hear whatever Alex created. She couldn't help but be slightly offended that she had been clueless about it and he hadn't even told her.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now