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Your once promising future diverted on the realization of your possible future with Michael Myers. You tried pushing him out of your thoughts, but his icy blue stare crept back into your mind.

When you slept, you dreamed of those little boys jumping on your lap for kisses. Their innocent eyes stared up at you with devotion and love. You wanted nothing more than to have them in your life, but their arrival would cost you everything. Your family would never accept them. You might get away with one child, but not all three. They would assume the worst in their creation, and you teared up at the thought. Out of everyone in the situation, those kids were innocent of all this mess.

There were times that you shivered at the thought of Michael tracking you down. The man tracked down his sister and managed to survive on his own. He could find you without issue. Anytime you left your room, you looked over your shoulder and double checked a room before entering. Leaving the house for school became an inner struggle on its own.

You were afraid of the man, but at the same time, you anticipated his return. How could you not? He was your soulmate. The other half of your soul. A person almost perfect for you in every way.

At least, you were relieved to have a soulmate in the first place. The horror stories of people losing their soulmates, never having found them, or being rejected, made you fearful of being one of the unlucky ones.

Laurie turned into one of the unlucky ones. She lost her soulmate during your senior year of high school. During one of your shared classes, Laurie collapsed onto the floor in sobs. At first, people thought she suffered an episode from that night, but that wasn't the case. The obvious visualization of grief was obvious to those around the class.

Her soulmate died.

The moment she fell, you hurried to her side to comfort her. The teacher motioned you two out the class in order for her to take control of her students. You left with Laurie stumbling through the hallways. Through her hysterics, Laurie claimed Michael killed her soulmate.

"I-I know he did it, (Y/N)!" Laurie cried out as she clung to your arm. "He wants to make me suffer. And he managed to kill my soulmate!"

You didn't think so.

Laurie never met her soulmate to begin with. For all you knew, the person died of an accident or from illness.

From Laurie's conviction in her claims, she wouldn't be swayed. Ever since that night, Laurie became morose and paranoid. Her grades didn't suffer, but her personal relationships did. You were one of the few who spoke to her on a regular basis. The shared night of trauma bonded you two. You understood her fears more than anyone else did.

Of course, you kept your mouth shut about defending Michael as you guided her to the nurse's office. Laurie was going through soul shattering grief. She didn't need someone invalidating her own found answers.

After that day, Laurie transferred schools. You didn't blame her or her family. The notoriety of the Myers case, Laurie's brush with death, and her breakdown over her soulmate's death, caused them to move away. Laurie didn't leave a phone number before she left.

You felt hurt by her dismissal. You tried to understand her pain, but you thought you two were friends. Besides, she was your secret sister-in-law.

Ignoring the sting of broken friendship, you focused on your grades. You didn't go into Laurie's route. You made new friends and faked a smile. No one noticed any difference in your subdued personality. It wasn't like they knew you before the incident happened.

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