Chapter 44: Do You?

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Do you think that people judge you somehow?

Do you know why would people judge you?

Do you know why people hate each other?

Do you know why people don't care about helping each other?

Do you?

Do you, Nijiue?

Do you, Nakashima?


Iroha suddenly jolted up from her sleep. She looked out to the window to see the sun setting in the distance. The painter sighed. What was that strange dream?

More importantly, who was calling out to her?

Who was calling out to this 'Nakashima' person...?

Iroha doesn't know much about the other students outside of the new friend group she's in and her classmates. Who in Hope's Peak Academy would have a surname like Nakashima?

Before thinking even further, she could hear bickering already. She peeked out from her seat to see Mikado and Nikei bickering about stupid stuff per usual.

She then decided to text someone about it. She brought out her phone and went into the chatting app, before finding a familiar contact and typing a message to them.
DMs Between Iroha & ???
Thu, 15 Dec 20XX
05:40 PM

Iroha: Uh, hey, [REDACTED]?

???: hm???? what is it?

Iroha: I had a strange dream where an unfamiliar voice was talking to me and........someone else who was called Nakashima

???: classmate.

???: shes that girl with wavy pink hair, i could tell.

Iroha: Oh! So you're saying Nakashima is that girl that was bothering Xander the other day?

???: yep, i think so.

???: not too sure tho.

Iroha: I see.....But why would her name be called in my dream?

???: idk idkkk

???: maybe you have a connection with her??

Iroha: That's impossible.

Iroha: Never in my life have i ever heard of a name like Nakashima



Iroha: Wait no i worded it wrong 😭

???: BRUH 💀💀💀💀

Iroha: I was meant to say i've never met anyone named Nakashima

???: i see i see.

???: hmmm you should totally meet hee!!!!!

???: *her

Iroha: Hee.

???: stfu bitch


Iroha: Yea, you should introduce her to me sometimes

Iroha: Isn't she like. Your friend or smth?

???: yuh!!!!!

???: ugh zhit motion sickness gtg for now

Iroha: Ok bye!!
Iroha then closed the app and turned her phone off. She leaned on the back of her seat, sighing again. She looked out to the window, the sun can barely be seen.

Iroha's sure that she and her classmates are almost back at Hope's Peak, but she felt like she needed another nap.

And so, she closed her eyes and dozed off to sleep again.
Lore? Again? Really, Miyu??

Ok bye for now :)

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