Chapter 72: Randomness

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Theyre havin fun yayayayayayaya!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok enjoy :)
"I must say, your house is very nice, Yamato." Wolfgang commented as he looked around the living room. He then took a seat on a couch. "Aha, thanks! Anyways, HIBIKI!" Yamato yelled out, making the girl in question flinch in shock. Almost everyone jolted in surprise over Yamato's sudden yell.

"What the fuck is it, Mato?!" Hibiki replied in annoyance. Yamato only stared at the vocalist with a disappointed look on his face, before it quickly changed to a more friendly and innocent one. "Can you help me with the corns?" He asked.

Hibiki stared at him with a blank face for a few seconds, before sighing. "Fine. Let's go." The two then went into the kitchen.

"Ah, by the way, I wonder why Mikako isn't here." Kanade spoke up. "Oh! Akane invited her to celebrate new years at her place with the other girls in my class! So that's why she isn't home!" Yamato shouted from the kitchen. Kanade only nodded in response.

"Don't you have a fucking dad, Yamato?!" Xander asked, half-yelling the question so that the inventor could hear him loud and clearly. "One of his friends decided to drag him to hangout with their other friends to celebrate new years!" Yamato answered.

"So...It's just you?!" Yukari shouted. "There's no need to shout that loud, Yuka. Anyways, yeah, just me alone. Hibiki and Teruya can confirm that. Right, guys?" Yamato said as he walked into the room. "Yep!" Teruya and Hibiki said in unison, despite them being in different rooms.

"Hmm...Oh! Guys! Why not we play some card games?" Seina suggested. "Good idea, Seina! I have some card games. I'll go get them." Yamato replied, running out of the living room to get the stack of cards in his bedroom.
"Uno game!"


Some of the others laughed as Kana cheered in victory and Teruya could only fake sob in devastation. The group had played card games and board games for awhile now. Toshiko looks up to the clock hanging on the wall in the room, taking note that the time is now 09:05 PM.

"What else should we do...?" Kara muttered, mostly to herself, though. Yamato put a finger to his chin, thinking about anything that he could do. Suddenly, an idea popped in his mind. "Let's just watch a movie! I'll be picking~" Yamato suggested with a wide grin.

"Ah, alright, j-just please don't put on a horror movie..." Iroha pleaded. "Haha, of course not. I want everyone to feel good for this night, so no scary stuff for tonight." Yamato replied.

Yamato settled on picking a comedy movie. Only some of them found the humor in that movie funny, though.
Two hours had passed, the time now being 11:12 PM. "Guys guys guys!!!! Let's go outside while we wait for midnight!" Hibiki excitedly said as she ran over to the door to go outside. The rest of the group followed.

Despite the fact that it's rather cold outside, they feel more warmer....and it's obviously because of the fact that they made sure to wear warm clothing before going outside. Everyone looked up to the night sky that was decorated with stars. A few fireworks could be seen in distances.

"Haa...So much for being too excited for the countdown to end." Xander commented, earning a laugh from David. "Welp, while we wait for the countdown to end, let's talk about the many times Kanade said piss bubble!" Taka said. Some of the people in the group laughed, some tried holding in their laughs, some nervously chuckled, and some others are just internally facepalming over the TV personality's stupidity.

The group then talked about random topics, with some of them eating some food Yamato grilled for them.










A bunch of confetti flies up to the sky for some reason, and most of the group (with the others simply just quietly celebrating, or for Damon's case, just staying quiet in general) cheered as they yell out "Happy new year!". Fireworks can be seen exploding in the sky. Everyone silently admired the view.

2023 is finally here I guess.
After awhile of staying inside, everyone decided to go inside. Since they also made the promise to stay over for the night, they decided to sleep.

...Actually, before them, most of them who haven't eaten in the past 2 hours decided to eat something as a midnight snack.

They decided to eat what's left on the dining table, which isn't much, but hey, there's still some snacks somewhere.

The group peacefully ate their food, joking around, chatting with each other, or just decided to go on their phones for whatever reason.

However, something feels off to Iroha. She senses that something bad will happen soon. She just knows it. But she doesn't wanna jinx it either. But there is definitely something wrong here.


And her suspicions were right when she saw Teruya looked so dazed. "U-um...Teruya? Are you okay-?" She asked the merchant. "O-oh? Um...y-yeah, I'm good...I just think I need some sleep, that's all." Teruya replied as he stood up from his seat to walk to the bathroom, probably to wash his face first.

However, once he was not seen in the living room anymore, a loud thud can be heard from the hallways.

"H-huh-?! What was that..?!" Yukari asked in a panic. "Hold on, I'll go check!" Xander exclaimed as he ran out of the room. "Ah, wait! Xander!" David called, following the rebel from behind. "Ugh...Why do I feel so...dizzy...?" Ulysses asked. "Huh? I...Ugh...I swore I didn't put anything in the food..." Yamato commented, putting a hand on his head to stop his dizziness. That's not working however.

Iroha was practically shaking at this point. She was scared. The girl frantically looked around, seeing that everyone is also taking in on the possible effect that the food gave them. She was panicking, until she felt dizzy too.



Her head was spinning around, and before she knew it, her vision went black.
HELLO 2023!!!
Sun, 1 Jan 2023
12:58 AM

Arc 2: END

See You Tomorrow, Talented Hopes Of The Future.

Or Will We...?
Uh oh

Yea arc 2 ended so quick i apologize in advance

Ok bye for now :)

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