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Today was the day: I would be attending a Halloween party at some random student's house while dressed in a costume. Maybe it was excitement for the party, or maybe it was because this was the longest I'd ever gone to school without missing any days, but walking to my classes was more difficult than before.

I sighed, closing my eyes and dragging my feet to my last class of the day. "I get enough exercise at home. Why do I have to take gym as a senior?" I whined. Even with a cup of coffee in hand to get me through the day, I couldn't help but be tired of everything. Is this what it felt like to actually attend school?

Then, as if my day couldn't get worse, I bumped into someone, the sound of the books hitting the floor. I opened my eyes, seeing Ruby in front of me.

Oh no.

She turned and scoffed. "You really are shameless, aren't you?" She inched closer, raising her voice. "If this is your way to get my attention after being bored of that freak, it's not going to work!"

The commotion was enough to cause many to stop in their tracks, surrounding us in the hallway. I was used to the countless stares, both of admiration and disgust, but for some reason it made me feel uneasy today.

I took a breath, trying to brainstorm the least Peyton-like reaction to carry out.

"I'm so sorry Ruby. I didn't see you there." I smiled while saying it. Was that a good enough reaction? You did well, Peyton. Good job.

However, she wasn't satisfied. The growing crowd was enough to egg her on. She folded her arms, stepping back so that her fallen books were in front of her. "You think you can just apologize and that's it?" She kicked her books, scattering them throughout the hallway. "Go ahead. Pick them up."

A series of "oohs" and "ahs" rang out through the crowd. I felt the eyes of my classmates more than ever. It was almost like I was a deer in headlights. I was fortunate to not have had experience being in this position. I was never the butt of the jokes, never the the one getting picked on, never the one to be disrespected like this.

Is this how it felt for Noah? The unfamiliar gazes upon you, the public ridicule. Saying sorry just to de-escalate a situation. Because, deep down you know it's better to swallow your pride than be the center of attention.

I could never fully understand her, but just the possibility that she felt those things was enough to stop me from backing down.

I smiled again. "Of course I'll pick them up for you." I kneeled, picking up the array of books in the hallway. I walked towards her, holding out her books for her to grab.

"Oh, so you can be obedient if you want," she snickered. The crowd laughed with her.

She reached her hands out, but they connected with her feet before she had the chance to grab them. She barely had time to process what happened before I threw my coffee onto her.

The laughter died down, silence decorating the hallway. Why couldn't I get laughs too? Whatever.

I gasped. "Oh no, I am so sorry about that. I'll try to clean it up for you." I walked to the water fountain nearby, preparing the book for its afternoon bath.

Before the water could make contact with the book, a hand grabbed my wrist. "What the hell are you doing-"

"Peyton, that's enough," Wesley said, my wrist snug in his hand. Even my attempts to release it were pointless. What the hell is his problem? At that moment, a warning bell rang, signaling that all students had one minute to get to their class before they'd be late. Everyone was knocked out of their daze and continued on to their class.

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