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A/N: I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who reads this story. I see you, and I appreciate you. Okay, okay back to the story now :)


The morning sun shone on my skin. I yawned as I sat at my vanity to do my makeup for the day. The amount of makeup I did depended on my mood, and I was in the mood for a full face. The more makeup I used, the more pent up emotions were lingering.

What happened yesterday at Charlie's was still fresh in my mind, and it was hard to explain how I felt.

"Do you always have to be a bitch, Peyton?" The words repeated in my mind, over and over. I couldn't help it. I would never admit it aloud, but hearing someone say that to me felt like a a bandaid being quickly ripped off of my skin. It hurt, and the sting soon followed.

Reality was catching up with me. I wasn't close with many people. Ruby was the only friend that I had who was more than just someone to hang out with while at a party. She was the only person who stood by me at school everyday. She was the only person at my school I knew that would choose me over everyone else. My only true friend was pissed at me.

Well, your only true friend shouldn't have been such an asshole to Noah.

I scoffed. I was right! I wasn't the one being a bitch that night. I was being a decent person for a change. If she was pissed about it, then fuck it.

But why did I care if she was mean to Noah? I was mean to her just two weeks ago. She didn't want to see me for a week just because of what I said to her.

I felt a foreign feeling in my stomach. She didn't want to see me for a week because of what I said to her.

I ran my fingers through my hair. I was done with my makeup. I looked like I was going to a red carpet event. Vibrant lipstick, eyeshadow, and a lot of highlight.

I left my room to see my mom sipping on her coffee. She was texting in her other hand.

I hugged her. "Morning, Mom."

She stilled. Her coffee mug was still at her lips, and her finger that she was typing with was frozen over top of the phone. "What did you do?"

I rolled my eyes. "What? I can't give my own mom a hug?"

My mom looked at me with soft eyes. "You haven't hugged me in years, Pey."

My body stiffened. Had it really been that long?

"I'm just in a good mood this morning," I brush it off. She raises her eyebrow.

"Yeah, okay," she muttered sipping her coffee.

I grabbed my bowl of fruit that I cut over the weekend filled with pineapple and mango. I don't care what anyone thinks, mangos and pineapples were the best fruits.

"Your dad is attending a formal gathering for his business tomorrow night. He wants you to attend alongside him."

I looked at my mom with a look of disinterest as I chewed on my fruit. "Do I have a choice?"

"No, you don't." I groaned. I didn't want to be near all of those weird entitled businessmen and hear them talking about stocks and other shit. They all creeped me out, too.

"This will be a good thing for you. You're eighteen, and high school is going to be over in less than a year. Forever. You need to see how the business life is. This will be your life soon."

I sighed. The last thing I needed today was to think about the fact that I'm a legal adult already. Soon I would have to be on my own.

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