the step into a big mistake

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No, I can't imagine Eva dead!! No way! I don't even want her to be an old lady! But for some reason she hangs more and More out with Zach... No, stop thinking that Jestar Heart! “should I prove her my love by making her immortal?” I asked Barracuda, who was flabbergasted but then said:“Of course Not! it's against the rule and even if it's because of love, you're gonna get kicked out of heaven!!” but if am honest I Love her so much, I wanna show her this, at night. But Zach looked at me and said:“She will be mine you fucking deadass, I bet you died cause of dust.” but I responded:“i died in a war, I fought for the country you live right now.” and he was flabbergasted while Eva was amazed, honestly I think she likes brave mens like me, “Woah!” Barracuda said “You fought in a war as a soldier?!” I nodded, Zach was jealous as hell! But at night I was thinking about Eva, I didn't believed Barracuda, so I gave Eva immortality so we could live forever together, but then a alarm was to hear and.. Angels surrounded me I had such a big shock that I got unconscious due that... Everything seemed so black
Maybe Barracuda Was right

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