punishment and Heart break

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I awoken, not knowing what's happening.. “Jestar..” the voice of the lord spoken to me, I realized Barracuda wasn't joking! I was Scared but yet answered:“Y-yes..?” I stuttered out of fear... Absolute Fear... “You have Broken a Rule..!” the lord said angrily while Barracuda tried to stop it all, to save me... But he was stopped by angels my fear was growing “I-im sorry!” I stuttered “B-but I promise I won't do it again..!! I-i swear!” but the Lord said:“I can't give you a second chance..! I will ban you from Heaven!” I dropped to my knees and begged with tears in my eyes:“WAIT!! PLEASE DON'T BAN ME!! I WANNA STAY HERE!! PLEASE!!” but he did it anyway.. I fell down from Heaven, losing my gold-yellow colour to black-grey-dark blue-purplish, Screaming out of fear I was falling... And hearing the Angels making slowed meowing similar noises... Barracuda must be shocked that It was me.. “JESTAR HEART!!!!” I heard him yell my name... But I couldn't return, my wings don't work till I reached Earth so... I decided to simply close my eyes, hoping I'd land soft at least then... Maybe I could then also... Live with Eva together then... But I landed aggressively on a rock! And then on a tree afterwards on the ground.. “Ow..! Shit that was hurtful..” I groaned in pain but what most hurt me was, that I got kicked out of Heaven, so I cried for 2 hours till I heard Eva “What happened Jestar?” she asked in worry, as I wanted to explain Zach came and said:“Hey, stay away from my girlfriend.” I was so confused and asked:“You're her Boyfriend?”  he was annoyed of me “Yes of course I am, Punk!” and how I Felt my Heart breaking into tons of pieces as he mentioned it... “Got a problem?!” he said, I shaked my head, holding back my tears, then he said:“Cause if not, then me and Eva will Leave.” he left with Eva... I had to take Eva the immortality away so she wouldn't be upset about Zach's death while he is just s mortal.. but also she was now again one... I started crying so bitterly... I thought Love was Easy! But I was more than wrong... “Why Cupid..?!” I sobbed “WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO ME?!” I cried loud out, for 6 hours... When I wiped my tears away, I knew I was all by myself... Barracuda wasn't in my side anymore to help... Eva ended up in love with Zach... And me..? I have nothing in my hands or Someone besides me... I am all by myself...

Haven't I given enough..? For someone like Her..?

An heartbroken Fallen Angel Where stories live. Discover now