Blue Zolomon-Snow (Stargirl)

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Full name: Blue Khione Zolomon-Snow  

Status: Alive

Born: December 15th, 2004 

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 

Age: 15 (Season One)

Titles: Blue (by everyone), B (by Hunter), Sweetheart (by Caitlin), 

Residence: Zolomon-Snow House, Blue Valley, Nebraska, USA 

Relationship status: Single 

Family: Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost (mother), Hunter Zolomon/Zoom (father)

Romances: Artemis Crock (love interest) 

Other relations: Cameron Mahkent (best friend/brother figure), Henry King Jr. (former childhood best friend), Artemis Crock (close friend), Courtney Whitmore (friend/ally), Rick Tyler (close friend/ally), Yolanda Montez (close friend), Beth Chapel (friend/ally), Justice Society of America (ally), Injustice Society of America (former frenemy) 

Affliction: Raymond-Snow Family, Blue Valley High School 

Occupation: Student at Blue Valley High School 

Species: Meta-human 

Powers: Thermokinetic cryokinesis, Cryokinesis, Eye Transformation, Cryokinetic Healing, Limited Atmokinesis, Cryokinetic Blasts, Cryokinetic Breath, Flight (via ice powers), Temprature Manipulation, Thermal Resistance, Cryo-Telekinesis, Superhuman Speed, Speed Force Connection/Meta-Human Physiology, Electrokinesis, Bodily Vibration, Death Sense, Intangibility, Enhanced Mind, Energy Absorption, Superhuman Strength, Speed Force Awareness (can sense other speedsters/metas in the Speed Force like her father), Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Agility, Time Travel, Interdimensional Travel, Time Remnant Construct, Superhuman Stamina, Accelerated Healing Factor, Voice Changing 

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'9 (Feet), 1.75 (Meters)

Eye color: Blue 

Hair color: Blonde  

Portrayed by: Jenny Boyd 

Famous quote: "I can't get frostbites or burn marks, because I have those weird-ass powers! And on top of that, I'm in love with Artemis! Yes, Artemis Crock! She's awesome, she will never like me more than a friend"  

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