Blake Zolomon (The Flash)

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Full name: Blake Hunter Zolomon 

Status: Alive

Born: 1999

Zodiac Sign: Unknown

Age: 16 (Season Two), 17 (Season Three), 18 (Season Four)

Titles: Blake (by everyone), Blakey (by Wally), Blakey Bear (by Hunter) 

Aliases: Son of Zoom, Little Zolomon, Zoom Junior, Junior 

Residence: Zolomon Apartment, Central City, Missouri, Earth-2 

Relationship status: Dating Wally West  

Family: James Zolomon (paternal grandfather), Ashley Zolomon (paternal grandmother), Hunter Zolomon (father), Unnamed Deceased Mother 

Romances: Wally West (love interest; turned boyfriend)

Other relations: Meloni Thawne (best friend/sister figure/partner in crime/platonic soulmate) [Face claim: Danielle Rose Russell], Wally West (best friend/boyfriend), Jesse Chambers Wells (former enemy/close friend/ally) [Love interest: Meloni Thawne], Barry Allen (former enemy/close friend), Cisco Ramon (former enemy/close friend), Caitlin Snow (former enemy/close friend), Joe West (former enemy/close friend), Harry Wells (former enemy/close friend), Iris West (former enemy/close friend) 

Affliction: Zolomon Family, Central City College (formerly), Central City University "CCU", Zoom's Meta-Human Group (formerly) 

Occupation: Student at Central City College (formerly), Student at Central City University, Follower of Zoom (formerly) 

Species: Meta-Human/Speedster

Powers: Meta-Human Physiology, Speed Force Connection, Bodily Vibration, Intangibility, Electrokinesis, Enhanced Mind, Superhuman Perception, Superhuman Strength, Eye Transformation, Speed Force Awareness (just like his father, Zoom, Blake can feel the presence of the Speed Force, aka feel other speedsters on the Earth he's currently on), Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Momentus, Time Travel, Time Remnant Construct ( just like how is father did with what Team Flash thought what Jay Garrick and tricked them into thinking he killed him), Interdimensional Travel, Superhuman Stamina, Accelerated Healing Factor, Voice Changing  

Abilities: Genius-Level Intelligence, Master Engineer, Master Scientist, Athleticism, Photographic Memory, Master Martial Artist, Strategic Thinking, Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant, Expert Deceiver/Manipulator, Tactician, Law Enforcement Knowledge, Pick-Pocketing/Theft, Lock-Picking, Empathy (Blake has shown great empathy for animals, meta-humans and the humans tormented, tortured or killed by his father. He shows to have a hard time watching his father torturing a woman, even though the woman tried to drug Blake and rape him), Imitation ( a trait he shares with his father; even though he has his empathetic nature, you don't wanna be his enemy), Apathy (can show lack of emotions or interest at times, like when meeting followers of his father) 

Type of hero/villain: Adorable Anti-Hero 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Height: 5'5 (Feet), 1.65 (Meters)

Eye color: Blue  

Hair color: Honey blonde (formerly; turns darker and darker over time), Dark brown 

Portrayed by: Tyler Sprayberry 

Famous quote: "I- I mean only if you want to, of course. I'm not forcing you. I- Uh, I-" 

Book: 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 [𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭]

Seasons: 2-4 (The Flash) 

A/N: I gave him traits of imitation and apathy because I don't want him to be too weak. He's still his father's son. I hope you like this OC. 

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