Snow Day

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Jack Frost

A hooded figure with a staff rests atop a Post Office box on the opposite end of the street. The man touches the staff to the ground, sending a streak of frost across the street. A boy approaches a water fountain, turns the handle and moves in for a sip. As he does, the water freezes magically, and the boy's tongue is stuck to the frozen water.

"Aahhhhh...!" His friends can't help but laugh.

A mail man walks across the street and a patch of ice magically appears under his feet. He scrambles, and BOOM! Lands on his butt. Just behind the man, we see the trail of frost climb up the side of a building.

The frost moves up along a rain pipe, and through the windows a boy is seen trying to feed his goldfish, but a layer of ice suddenly forms along the water surface and prevents the fish from reaching its food.

A writer in his study sits next to stacks of papers. The window suddenly swings open and a gust of wind sends the pages flying out the window.

The culprit is Jack Frost.

He makes his way atop a cathedral spire and takes in the view; the full moon bathes the city in moonlight.

"Ah, now that, that was fun. Hey wind..." Jack chuckles as he calls the wind. The trees sway and leaves fly into the air. Jack grabs hold of the spire, smiling as the wind blows past.

"Take me home!" Jack lets go, and the wind carries him into the air and through the clouds. Night turns to day as Jack flies from one horizon to the other. "Woooooohoooooooooo!"


Jack falls through the clouds, smiling, toward the town of Burgess.

"SNOOOOOWWWW DAAAAYYYYYY!!!" Jack continues on down and zooms through the streets. Pedestrians clench their jackets and reach for their hats as gusts of wind, snow, and streaks of frost are left in Jack's wake.

Jack flies in, and with the wind behind him, skates across a pond. As the wind zips across the pond, it knocks a book out of the hands of a little boy walking alone. Jack knows him as Jamie.                  

"Whoa, whoa." Jamie goes to pick up the book and we get a glimpse of the cover They're Out There! Mysteries, Mythical Creatures and the Unexplained Phenomena. Jack flies in and lands beside Jamie.

"Huh, that looks interesting. Good book?" Jack peeks over the boy's shoulder.

Suddenly twins Claude and Caleb come barreling past them, rough-housing and laughing as they slam each other into drifts.

"Alright! Yeah! Waahoo! Snow day!!!" The twins bellow as they run off.

"You're welcome!" Jack calls after the boys.

"Hey guys, wait up! Are you guys coming to the egg hunt Sunday?" Jamie goes running after them.

"Yeah, free candy!" "I hope we can find the eggs with all this snow!" Caleb stuffs a handful of snow down his brother's jacket. The kids arrive at the fence of Jamie's house. Jamie opens up a secret plank and heads into his yard. Meanwhile, Jack walks unseen along the top of the fence.

"Stop!" "No, you stop!" Claude and Caleb are still messing with each other.

"Whoa, it says here that they found Big Foot hair samples and DNA in Michigan. That's like, super close!" Jamie still has his nose stuck in his book.

"Here we go again." Claude rolls his eyes.

"You saw the video too Claude, he's out there!" Jamie arrives at his front gate, sled in hand while Sophie, Jamie's 2-year-old sister in fairy wings, sits down on their Greyhound as it lies in the yard.

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