Chapter 29

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Pulling into the driveway of my house, I woke up. Unbuckling my belt, I stepped out of the car to be scooped into Matt's arms in a tight hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I released the hug and walked onto the porch. Opening the front door, I looked around. The house was trashed. My family's house had been ransacked. Looking at the wall where my parent's pictures were hanging, I was horrified to see these words:


I am not sure how long I screamed or how loud, but I heard Matt calling my name as I blacked out.

Opening my eyes, I was in a flower field; looking to my left, I saw the same wolf from my previous dreams, but Matt wasn't there. I look back to the wolf as a bright silver light engulfs it, and Selene appears.

"Does this ever get easier?" I asked, defeated.

"Please understand, if I didn't think you could handle this, I wouldn't have gifted you with your powers. Were you trying to figure out what causes these visions? The answer is simple; it's hurt and sadness. These visions you are receiving are helping you heal these poor souls who have had their lives torn apart by war and Gabriel Tull."

Taking a deep breath, it all finally makes sense. I was helping by healing souls and putting back together families.

"I see the realization just struck you." She smiled. I will give you a warning; never forget that Tull will continue to come after you until he's defeated."

I feel a robust set of arms circle around me. "MINE," Matt growled.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back to Selene as she giggled. "You two are so cute. Please continue to be careful, especially for the newest family members."

She held up her hands, engulfing herself in a white light. I then woke up to an obnoxious beeping in my ears. "Make it stop!" I said as I slapped at the beeping machine.

"Relax, Emily!" Mom said as I opened my eyes, looking around.

"Wait, where am I?"

"Midnight Rain Infirmary, Matt brought you here after you blacked out. You have been asleep for two days."

"Where's Matt?"

"I had Hedrick take him out of here; he's not left your side since you were brought here." I have linked Hedrick; he will wake up Matt and bring him down."

I smiled at mom as the door busted open. Matt came to the bed and kissed me. "Good morning, baby."

We looked at each other, and our eyes got huge with realization. "The dream!" he said.

"Ummm, we may need to talk to the doctor," I said to him.

Mom looked at us like we were crazy. "What dream? What are you talking about?" Matt went out to talk to the doctor.

I looked at mom and took a deep breath. "Do NOT get your hopes up, Mom. While I was knocked out, I had another visit from Selene; she mentioned that we should be careful for the newest family members. Well, we haven't adopted any pets and haven't been too careful either...."

I watched as my mother's eyes lit up like she was just told she was the new Queen of the World! Then, she started squealing and giggling like a High school girl talking to her crush. "Mom, calm down. We don't know if it's true yet."

Matt walked back in with the doctor. Good morning Luna. How are you feeling today?"

"Concerned? Did Matt talk to you?"

"He did express your concerns, and I went through the tests we ran on you, and I am happy to confirm your suspicions. So, I would like to see you again within the next two weeks. However, I would also like a nurse to come in and listen for a heartbeat just due to the stress you have been under."

As the shock overwhelmed me, I heard my mother screaming with joy. Matt stares at me with enormous eyes of disbelief and finally sits next to me and wraps me in a tight hug.

"We are going to be parents." He happily exclaimed.

The nurse enters the room with a little flat machine. Taking some blue gel and shaking the bottle, she warns me about it being cold and squirts it on my stomach. Then, running the wand over my stomach, she finally connected it to the right area to hear a fast heartbeat.

I take a deep breath as tears fill my eyes, listening to my pup's heart. However, it sounded off, like it was echoing "why is it echoing? Is something wrong with my baby?"

The nurse smiled at me and replied: "No, Luna, that's your other baby."

"Uhhhh... Twins??" Matt said with a look of sheer panic and a hint of excitement.

"Yes, Alpha," she said as she cleaned off my stomach. I'll send the doctor back in.

We all sat there speechless, aside from mom, who was already planning the baby shower. The doctor soon came back into the room.

"Luna." The doctor said. "You are free to go but must keep your stress level down."

Matt went to sign my release paperwork, and Mom helped me change. Once we were all finished, we walked to the pack house to say goodbye to Hedrick.

He smiled when he saw me. "Good Morning Emily. I'm glad to see you out and about."

"Thank You, Hedrick, for letting me use your infirmary."

"Now that everyone is together, the pack house should be completed well enough for our ceremonies next weekend, so I would like to extend you both and any members who wish to attend an invitation," Matt stated.

"Of course, we will be there." Hedrick smiled.

We stood up to leave. I hugged Mom. "Have fun, Granny!" I snickered.

She beamed. "I'm allowed to spoil my grandchildren, and I will certainly do so."

Matt took my hand and walked me to the car. "I got a residential cabin set up until we finish the pack house. All the stuff has been packed up in your house, and we will move it into our floor once it's completed."

I nodded and started to lay back and enjoy the ride as we drove back to Blood Moon.

One Fateful NightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant