players pain 3

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He took her out to dinner they got ice cream and went back to his house to prove a point he dragged her to the back of the house and pointed to his case of weapons

Jai-"voila u owe me another night out"

Y-"u owe me a katana"


Y-"mhm I want dat one"

She pointed to the biggest one

Jai-"no u get the little one"

Y-"no I want the big one"

Jai-"then u get nothing"

He dragged her away from it she whined he walked her to the kitchen and picked her up putting her on the counter she screamed a little and grabbed his arms

Jai-"your fine I got u"

Y-"why am I up here"

Jai-"because I put u up here"

He took her shoes off


Jai-"u were complaining about your foot hurting"

Y-"u took off both shoes"

He looked at her she smiled sweetly he shook his head and pushed on her foot


Jai-"in conclusion u wear heels to much"

Y-"what else am i suppose to ware"

Jai-"yn u can't wear heels all the time"

Y-"u can't wear dress shoes all the time"

Jai-"I don't tomorrow were getting u some shoes"

Y-" platforms"


Y-"but I'm short I don't like being fun size"

Jai-"theres nothing wrong with being fun size because it fits u and your adorable"

She pushed him

Y-"I don't want to be adorable i want to be a bad ass"

She jumped down and grabbed her shoes to walk off he pulled her back to him she dropped her shoes and grabbed his hand

Jai-"where u going"


Jai-"why u just got here"

Y-"because u let me admit I was fun size"

He laughed a little she smiled

Jai-"your not that small"

Y-"u let me say it tho"

Jai-"compared to me yes your like 4-"

Y-"4!? I am 5'2"

She pushed him he grabbed her

Y-"let me go"

Jai-"da baby is having a little temper tantrum"

Y-"I really hate u now"

He laughed and picked her up she kicked whined and fussed he grabbed her shoes and went upstairs she continued to kick whine and fuss the whole way up the steps they got to his room he put her in a fuzzy chair she stopped complaining

Y-"u have 5 minutes"

She balled up in the chair he laughed a little and changed his clothes he came back yn was on his computer he walked behind her and grabbed her neck she gasped and grabbed a little and moved her hands he made her look up

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