code blue 4

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Yn got in bed with zay humming and singing to him for him to fall asleep they slept peaceful until the machine started beeping the doctors came in

Y-"whats wrong"

Doc-"hes trying to cough"

Y-"oh...that a good thing right"

Doc-"uhh yeah signs of life"

Y-"anything abnormal"

Doc-"no his temperature has gone down and so has his blood pressure"

Y-"whens the soonest u think he can leave"

Doc-"um...there's not really to much we can try and wake him up completely tomorrow after that we might can determine then ok"

Y-*sigh thank god

Doc-"I always tell my patients families not to worry I've never in my 18 years of working in hospitals had a patient die on me patients with heart failure and all never die on me"


Doc-"yeah just have some faith and trust us ok"

Y-"ok thank u"

Doc-"no problem u need another blanket"

Y-"um yeah"


He got a blanket she pulled it over her and laid on zays arm he turned his head to her she smiled and kissed his cheek he gave a soft slight smirk

Y-"good night honey bun"

He squeezed her hand they went back to sleep

Skip time

The morning came yn got up and got dressed with the clothes the girls brought her yn ate and talked to zay

Y-"but it's like I love Mac and cheese u know but I can never get enough peanut butter crackers and it's weird"

He said nothing

Y-"I feel your judgement"

She felt his hand move but didn't think about it

Y-"I know u like my Mac and cheese but when u feel upset u want me to make u breakfast"

She stopped talking and heard air then he started coughing yn shot up seeing he pulled his tube out

Y-"I said do not act like me!! Uhh help!!"

She ran in the hallway the doctors came in zay pushed himself up on the pillows

Zay-"I only like your Mac and cheese"

Y-"your talking"

Zay-"I was trying to tell u that I can breath on my own"

Yn squealed and danced in a circle they laughed  they gave him some water and made sure he didn't damage anything when he pulled it out sooner then later Chloe Lani Jace and cam came sliding in the room and crawled in bed with zay

Chloe-"dude your alive and that is so cool"

Cam-"she is also high"

Jace-"it's so cool your alive bro like u inhale and exhale and...and den u breathing"

Cam-"when did u get high"


They got off him zay looked at yn yn looked at him and smiled he opened his arms she crawled in his lap laying on him  he put his arms around her

Zay-"I love u'

Y-"I love u too baby"

She tried not to cry

Zay-"dont cry mama"

He held her as tight as he could

Y-"im sorry"

Doc-"not to tight unstill got a needle in there"


He held her with one arm she got off him they did a few more tests yn bounced around in the he waiting room

Chloe-"mama sit down"

Y-"but why tho when I learned to do a cartwheel this morning"

Lani grabbed her before she pushed off her foot

Lani-"show us later"

She squealed and shook out of her arms sitting on the floor zay walked out in his clothes yn jumped up and hugged him he hugged her


Zay-"hey baby"

She giggled and shuffled her feet He laughed and let her go she dragged him outside then froze

Y-"my car"

She pouted

Chloe-"the people that hit yall are paying for the damage and they owe u both a car me and Lani go to court next week"

They smiled showing their pearly white teeth Jace raised a finger to lanis teeth she popped him

Y-"so I get a new car"


Y-"woah and u get a new car'

Zay-"I guess so"


Chloe-"u put too much sugar in your tea"

Y-"I dunno did they give u any restrictions"

He shook his head

Zay-"im not worried about it"


Zay-"they told me not to act like I'm crazy"

Y-"meaning don't do what I just did and no tricks"


Y-"mkay last one to the car wins a kiss on the foe head"

They started making weird noises and running in slow motion to the car


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