Chapter 2. How to pinch the luck of explosive friends?

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Holding the spirit of coming soon, then resting, knowing who knows who is invincible, Tian Yuerong began to inspect this small apartment that belonged to him. Well, that's right, this Tian Yuerong is a sad little cabbage, her parents also divorced a long time ago, and they have a new family, but in line with the principle of never seeing each other in the end of the world, they never get in touch with each other. Compared with his own parents, the original owner's parents are scumbags, so the original owner lived with his grandma since he was a child.

    When she went to university and her grandma passed away, the cruel parents only paid for the tuition. As for the living expenses or additional expenses, it all depended on this little cabbage to earn money by working part-time.

The original owner's grandmother was good. Before she died, she sold all her property and bought a small apartment for the original owner.

At least she gave the poor child a nest. The rest is also stored in the bank under the original owner's name, so, uh, on the surface, this poor girl actually has more than 200,000 deposits in the bank.

    Thinking about it, the original owner grew up in such an environment, how could he have no scheming at all, although he was not blackened, but he was still a lot colder in dealing with people and things, and he didn't have any particularly good girlfriends.

After grandma died, in order to prevent the hateful parents from knowing that they had money and ignore them, so the original owner went to college and worked part-time.

This part-time job is to earn more money by doing some hard work. work, not just to experience the society like myself. After graduating, I took part in the work, and I also saved food and money. I didn’t buy clothes when I didn’t need them. I never took the initiative to go to restaurants. I never participated in social activities that cost money, so I really didn’t make any close friends.

    How should I put it, the original owner lived such a hard life, when he was in college, he didn't have the time and mood to fall in love. But the male supporting number two happened to be the older brother of the remarried father's family, and he had different fathers and different mothers.

Maybe it was because of the budding of puberty, or maybe it was because of the loneliness after the death of his grandmother, so he agreed with the trend. The later plot, of course, is very bloody. The brother who graduated first proposed to break up for the daughter of the manager of the big company.

    The original owner didn't feel too wronged or unwilling. He had a cold temperament, and he didn't have any feelings. The second day after receiving the courtship from the manager's daughter, the male supporting brother broke up with the original owner. The remarried father is also very supportive. After all, a daughter of a general manager is better than an orphan.

    The original owner took advantage of the trend and asked the remarried father tens of thousands of dollars for the sad breakup money, and the breakup went through so smoothly.

    After sorting out the items belonging to the original owner, Tian Yuerong found a very strange necklace made of stone. The chain was made of silver.

At first glance, it seemed very simple, like an antique. After straightening out the memory of the original owner, I found out that the original owner bought it from an old grandfather when he was traveling in Mount Tai last year.

Why is it a strange stone? Because this stone looks like jade but not jade. If you stare at it for a while, you can still see a faint red light inside. It is this peculiarity that the original owner bought for 300 oceans. After all, she couldn't afford real jade.

    Tian Yuerong thought for a while, this stone didn't appear in the original text, so it was supposed to be, there is no need to waste the author's precious pen and ink on the items of cannon fodder and soy sauce. But since it's a time-traveling novel, could this be some kind of space God gave me to compensate?

    Who cares, isn't it just a waste of blood, since you want to live well, you have to give up to get something. Have to try it or not. Resolutely, he brought a small knife from the kitchen and made a fine cut on his finger. When the blood dripped on the stone, a dazzling light instantly enveloped Tian Yuerong's body. He tilted his head and passed out.

    After an unknown amount of time, Tian Yuerong opened her eyes, hey, what place is this? A piece of white, misty nothing. Did I time travel again? wrong. Or is this just the space in the stone?

    Why do other people's spaces have spiritual springs, but mine doesn't? Why can other people's space be used for farming, but not mine? Why, since there is a one-in-ten-million probability of a book wear, why don't you give us a one-in-ten-million grand prize.

Before he finished venting his grievances, the situation around him suddenly changed drastically. Where is this fairyland-like place with mountains, water, fields, and a small house? Is this a hallucination or a dream? He pinched himself hard, Ao, it really hurts. Tian Yuerong, who was crying profusely in pain, began to laugh out loud, her aunt is lucky enough to make friends.

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