Chapter 6. Be a real proletarian, right?

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With the end of the conjoined body technique again and again, Tian Yuerong finally ended her practice. After leaving the space, it was already the next morning.

    Now she feels that even if she doesn't sleep for a few more days, she can still kill a tiger.

    Go to the kitchen, steam the waken dough into steamed buns, fry the minced vegetables and minced meat from last night, mix them with rice, knead them into rice balls, and arrange them neatly in a big basin. He warmed up the leftovers of yesterday's meal for himself, and finished it as soon as possible.

    Tian Yuerong doesn't know how to cook, but how could the original owner not know how to live independently for so many years? Even in order to eat some delicious meals without going to restaurants, the original owner went to work in some specialty restaurants and learned some skills, but these skills are enough to meet the needs of Tian Yuerong, a foodie.

    Although the location of the small apartment is very golden, it was just listed on the Internet yesterday, and it will take at least one to two weeks to sell it. During this time period, she can shop online as much as she wants without worrying about the change of address. When the house is sold, I will go to other places for a tour, such as going to the beach to buy some seafood, going to the Northeast to buy some mountain products, and going to the countryside to collect some local specialties and the like.

    What she has to do now is to go to major banks to apply for more credit cards that can be paid in advance, and the repayment period is three months. Another is to sell all the stamps that the original owner once collected.

    Turning on the computer, yesterday's frenzied downloading has exhausted the storage capacity of the computer, and he added a column of mobile hard disk to the purchase list.

    Walking on the warm road, looking at the hurried figures of people around, Tian Yuerong's heart was extremely calm. If she was a little compassionate yesterday, she is a little envious now. The ignorant are fearless, don't say she is going to tell the government to tell everyone, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly looking for death, maybe she won't exist in this world without waiting until the end of the world. Nor would I go to any website to publish the doomsday prophecies like in the novel. There are already too many doomsday prophecies on the Internet, so many that people will not click on them after seeing them.

    Listening to the clerk's explanation, Tian Yuerong decisively bought the most expensive pad with a super large capacity. There was no other reason. She sighed for a moment on the road just now, which made her lost her way. After seeing a famous brand experience store on the street, she decided to Thinking about it, if you want to be successful in the last days, how can you not have navigation?

    Under the weird and elated eyes of the clerk, Tian Yuerong walked out of the shop, who cares about that clerk's eyes, what happened to this lady downloading the map of the whole of China on the most advanced pad? Miss Ben just bought a pad for navigation, what's wrong?

    According to the navigation prompt, Tian Yuerong chose several large supermarkets. The distance between these supermarkets is relatively close, and they are all super large. Tian Yuerong decided to go through each house carefully, um, yes, the supplies are complete, fresh food, household appliances, bedding, shoes, hats and clothing. The most important thing is that it is a must for super-large supermarkets: super-large warehouses. Judging from the fact that each store has 5-8 unloading ports, the storage capacity of these supermarket warehouses is absolutely amazing.

    Carrying two large bags of food, Tian Yuerong walked out of the supermarket lightly, walked to a dark place, and threw the bags directly into the basement of the space.

    When I got home, I entered the space and saw that the vegetables and fruits in the black soil were all ripe. Even though Tian Yuerong had sorted out the information in the sea of ​​memory last night and learned that black soil can accelerate the growth of plants, she never expected that in less than 24 hours, all the plants that had been planted had not only survived but also matured, and completely matured. Don't worry about dropping the fruit, as the crops stay in their ripening state until they are put in storage.

    The crops planted on the hillside are relatively normal. Although the production speed is faster than normal, they have not yet reached the point of fruiting.

    Now that they are all mature, let's continue to make cooked food.

    I made rice dumplings and steamed buns yesterday, so let’s prepare more boxed lunches and steamed buns today.

    Tian Yuerong started to get busy again. In the past few days, the online shopping materials have arrived home one after another. The advance payment amount of the bank card is very high. I also purchased 2 solar generators, several tents for outdoor use, and a flashlight that does not need to be charged. And a box of overhead lights, ten sets of pots and utensils for outdoor use, 100 sets of tight-fitting cowhide leather jackets and boots, and some small daggers and knives and other outdoor equipment.

    I found a reputable semi-military factory specializing in military industry on the Internet, and ordered a small batch of cotton clothes and quilts according to the military supply standard. It is very small, but the factory still happily gave a discounted price.

    I also found a Crown cooked food factory, ordered a whole truckload of cooked food such as ham, bacon, and stewed meat, and agreed on a time for delivery. Fortunately, I only paid the down payment, and the rest will be paid after receiving the goods.

    Looking at the credit cards in his hand that had been maxed out in a few days, Tian Yuerong wanted to cry, but now she really became a member of the proletariat.

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