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"not enough. I need more."

the woman growled as she slumped down against a wall after killing a random curse and draining it of its cursed energy, grabbed her hair with a scowl and pulling at it.

"So irritating. So very irritating...these fools don't have enough energy. I need more. MORE. Kenjaku. Report. Who else is in this game of yours."

The man infront of her bowed a little before speaking.

"Maki Zenin, Yuuta Okatsu, The angel Hana Kurusu, Kinji Hakari. These are the ones worth mentioning. It seems they have a set plan in mind and a following along. Engaging would mean all of them would be there at the slightest threat."

The h/c haired woman hummed and looked up at the darkening sky before closing her eyes and scowling.

"How annoying."


The two teenagers had found sanctuary in a small torn down building for the time being. Yuuji slept while Megumi was taking watch until it was the others turn. He sighed and looked at his hand, sitting up more and putting his hands together.

"Demon dog."

Nothing. His muscles tightened and he kicked a rock beside his feet and punched the floor under him with heavy breaths.


He heard a shifting and turned his head to Itadori who turned in his sleep.

"What's he dreaming..."


"Oi! Where the heck are we?!"

"You're asking the wrong person brat."

The two seemed to be in an endless abyss of white, it was too bright for the curses liking, making him scowl as he looked around. He hadn't the slightest idea why he was here, why the brat was here or where they were. He sure as hell didn't bring that brat in.

"I'm..sorry for the sudden intrusion..."

The two instantly turned their heads in all directions to narrow down where the soft voice came from.


"I apologize...for..scaring you.."

"Who do you think you are pulling me into this hah?"

The curse growled in annoyance before a bright light blinded both him and itadori making them cover their eyes until it died down. They slowly opened their eyes, blinking to adjust to the light once again before seeing a average height girl before them. No older than 18. She wore white clothing that flowed behind her. A soft apologetic expression on her face as her hands were intertwined with one another. She looked deathly pale, the only thing that stood out was her bright blue eyes.

"Who are you?!"

"It...does not matter...I...want to pass on a message..."

"I don't have fucking time for this."

The curse scowled at the woman and took a step forward towards her with his hand stretched out but stopped in his place as she spoke.

"You...are the key.."

"Hah? The hell you on about damn hag."

" not herself...she.. turned to the dark for help.."

What the hell was she on about?

"Who is she?! Hey! Who are you!?"

She turned to the teenager and smiled slightly.

"She is quite fond of you...all of you..the black haired boy...the blue eyed man... especially you...king of curses...please...I know it is a lot to ask of you..a creature who is in the dark...lead her away from it..even if it's a little...I do not want...

My little sister to die again..."

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